Chapter 19

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Phoenix sat down next to Harry on the couch. "So do you like talk to our parents normally" Phoenix asked. "We write alot but I haven't babysat you two for years" she replied. "You use to babysit us and we never knew, oh im definitely your favourite student" Phoenix said. "Debatable" McGonagall replied. Then a knock came from the door and Phoenix stood up "I'll get it minnie" she grinned and went towards the door and opened it. "They you are, I looked at yours first and you weren't there so I thought the gang would be here" she grinned. "Not the gang me and Harry are being babysat" she groaned.

"Well let me get rid of her and I can take you two out" she said walking into the living room, her smile grew when she saw who it was "Minerva McGonagall, it's been awhile" she chuckled. "Mary, how have you been" she replied. "I've been great, now Minnie should we show them what an amazing baby sitting job is, I was told you brought these two to Scotland in 82', just because you said there were better ice cream there" Mary chuckled.

"I thought that was a dream" Phoenix said, she always had this weird memory of being at a cafe in Scotland at midnight with a large bowl of ice cream as McGonagall held the small Harry telling Phoenix about the Gryffindor quidditch team.

"Ok, but maybe not all the way to Scotland Remus and Regulus nearly had a heart attack when I sent them an owl telling them we'd gone to a different country. "How about we take the night bus to Cornwall, by the time were there the beaches will be deserted" Mary suggested. "Alright, I'll leave a note, you two go get some warmer clothes" McGonagall said and so they did.

Phoenix went to her house and put on a warm coat and put on some gloves, she was a bit surprised that McGonagall was agreeing for them to go there at this temperature, but she had already surprised her a few times already.

When Phoenix began to walk back to the others, she saw that Harry had come to meet her. "Hey, could you not tell anyone, what you saw on the train" he asked. It took her a few seconds to process that. What had she seen on the train, then it hit, both what he meant and the pole she just walked in to. "Ow- Holy fuck Harry, that was you and Malfoy wasn't it, I couldn't see properly but it was wasn't it" she said. Harry covered her mouth "Yes don't be to loud and is your head alright" he asked. She pulled his hand from her mouth as they kept walking. "My head's fine and I'll keep my mouth shut, but you and Malfoy ay, wait does that me you've had your first kiss before me of course you have" she said sighing.

They got back to Harry's home and they went to the curb and in seconds the night bus was there. The four got on and in less then an hour were at a beach in Cornwall. The sun was almost set and it was freezing but Mary already had them knee deep in the freezing water, there trousers rolled up. Even McGonagall had joined. "This is the life" Mary said hands raised up in the air. "I think having the life should be living not dying of hypothermia" Harry said getting out of the freezing sea. "I think I'll agree, but please, if you two really enjoy freezing to death you do you" McGonagall said and she joined Harry using a spell to dry and warm them.

"So my favourite fake niece, how has it been at hogwarts" she asked. "It's been alright, a bit quieter, it was always kind of quiet having a dorm to myself, but I've been a bit distant with everyone because of the whole wolf thing" she said kicking a rock that was beneath her in the water. It didn't matter that Harry and McGonagall could hear, everyone here knew. "It might not be to quiet in your dorm, a girl from beauxbatons is transfering at the new year, she's in your year" McGonagall said. "If she's a prick and comes in and messes with my style
I'm done" Phoenix said and McGonagall gave her a look saying that the word prick wasn't the best word to use.

The two finnaly got out the water and Mary used a spell to warm them. "I've been acting a bit pretentious because of the whole werewolf thing, I've been all uptight I haven't even been pranking, and I'm a bit sick of it, but I don't know if being reckless could screw me up" Phoenix sat siting on the cool sand beside Mary. "Your not gonna become bad for being a bit of a prankster, your dad's were pranksters, well mostly Sirius and there fine, you do you, only ever stop when it's taking it to far alright" Mary said. "Inspirational" Phoenix chuckled.

Remus, Sirius, Regulus and James arrived back at the Potters a bit buzzed, well Regulus and Remus were only a little buzzed, James and Sirius had gone into full on party mode, it was two am and the place was empty. "Oh I don't want a call from the Scottish authorities, not again" Remus said but was glad to hear the door open. "Your in one piece, Mary?" Regulus said a bit surprised to see there friends. "Me and Minnie took the kiddies out to Cornwall and no one got hurt" Mary said. "All of your lips are blue and Phoenix why is there a bruise on your head" Remus asked. "I walked into a pole, but we are ok" she smiled.

They said goodbye to McGonagall and Mary took her place on the Potters couch, so Remus, Phoenix and a drunk Sirius headed home.

When Phoenix got to her room ready to go to sleep she spotted a letter on her bed, she opened it and read it through her drowsiness:

Dear Phoenix

I hope your Christmas holiday is going well, I hope this letter gets to you in time but tommorow well probaly today for you can we meet up at diagon alley, 11.30 am, I miss you


She was pleased to see the letter and was definitely going to go but for now she had to sleep and with that her head went to her pillow and she fell into a slumber.

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