Chapter 9

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Remus had alot on his mind, he always did, but there was something bigger on his mind. Phoenix. His thoughts went to someone that had bearly grazed his mind, her birth parents. All they knew was that she had been abandoned by them, but the thought that one of them was a werewolf or both were just kept him thinking of who they were.

Most werewolves were usually one of two things, either someone who didn't want to have children from there own blood as they wish not to pass on the curse to them. Or one who wanted a werewolf child to be part of something bigger.

Remus was trying to get in the mind of this werewolf who was her parent, did they abandon her because they didn't think they could handle her, maybe they couldn't bare the fact there child was going to become like that or maybe they knew in her first few years she would not be useful, but by now they would know that she would be a werewolf, would they one day come for her, wanting her to assist them. He didn't know but he sure as hell wasn't going to let her end up being taken away.

The best part of the planned day finnaly came and after dinner George and Phoenix began to go through the one eyed witch passage way so they could sneak into hogsmeade and get some firewisky. They arrived in honeydukes cellar and snuck out the back door and went to the three broomsticks, they snuck in and got a few cases of firewisky and Phoenix left down the money for it there and the two snuck back.

They knew of the passage from the famous Marauders map. The group adored it but Phoenix was just waiting for the best time to reveal the truth of its makers, and tell them who really was Moony, Padfoot, Prongs and.... Wormtail. Wormtail was someone who felt like venom to be thinking off, she could sometimes picture his face from her early childhood but not much, all she knew was that he was part of the killing of Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon and Dorcas Meadows and that he was still out there.

The two got to the common room and heard the radio playing, the song Creep by Radiohead which was the one song Katie and Phoenix had a mutual liking to, Phoenix preferred Rock and grunge but Katie had a strong liking to britpop. They layed down the cases of firewisky on a table and joined there group of friends in the centre of the room and passed a drink to each of them. They only ever drank on special occasions, well the younger ones, Phoenix would occasionally have a bottle when she was in the mood.

She soon found herself layed against the wall when someone stood next to her. "Was this your idea?" they asked. "Group effort" she replied downing more of her drink and then turned to see who it was. "I'm surprised you didn't shut this down Percy" she chuckled. "I can let a few fun things slide" he said, but she was rather sure that if this was his brothers doing alone he would of probaly told it to both McGonagall and Dumbledore.

The night went on well and by morning Phoenix found herself in the boys room. She slept on Lee's bed and when she went downstairs she found him passed out on the common room couch. Thank God it was Saturday. Her head had began to ache so she went for breakfast drinking almost a jug full of orange juice to help the hangover and some toast, then she cursed at her self, she shouldn't of done this, what if she had accidentally let slip about being a werewolf, she was such an idiot.

She went on a walk after that on the outskirts of the forest and then finally she went inside of it without a second glance. It was usual to find creatures in the forest but today it was quiet. When she left and began walking up the hill towards the school again an owl swooped down and dropped a letter infront of her, she picked it up and saw unfamiliar handwriting but the word 'Daughter' written on it. She opened it rather sure there may of been a mistake and the owl had passed it to the wrong person but she read it, then read it again, she couldn't believe her eyes it said:

I don't know your name
I never named you, your mother didnt want to and I knew raising you was not a answer so we left you, but by now you will know your a werewolf, so now I ask you to join me, your mother and I can help show you greatness, you may think that I am a bad person and that may be true, but it's time for you to be one of us. You'll know soon about what I am talking about, I'll write soon.


She felt rooted to the spot but when she finally found her ability to walk she set herself at a fast pace which soon turned into a run. She sprinted to the owlery and found a spare quill and paper there she wrote to her parents:

In this envelope as you'll see is a letter from whoever my birth parent is, I don't plan to write back and I will not tell them my name or anything at all, I hope you'll know what to do.

Love you guys

She sealed the envelope tightly and used the school owl to deliver the letter. So much now raced through her mind, what was going to happen and of all times why now does he have to want to talk to her, not even to be a father so she can join him in something probaly illegal, she wasnt going to do anything and hoped her parents knew what to do.

A/n- I pushed through the pain of life and wrote it, now I'm gonna have a midnight nap.

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