Chapter 29

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Finally Phoenix found herself at her dorm room door and wrenched it open so fast that it banged into the wall and made Iris who had been finishing brushing her hair jump.

"Shit-ah sorry" Phoenix said scratching the back of her neck and then she closed the door. It was silent, completely silent. "I am really sorry" Phoenix then said not talking about the startling noise she had made.

"Why are you sorry, there's nothing to be sorry for" Iris replied finally meeting the other girls eyes and she began to walk closer to Phoenix.

"I kissed you and then I left, and I thought you were drunk so you'd regret it and then I realised you weren't drunk and now I'm here, to say I'm sorry for leaving then and to figure out what that kiss meant to you" Phoenix quickly said. Iris was now less then a metre from her and they could feel each others hurried breathes.

"It's ok Nix you don't have to say sorry, because I wanted to kiss you too" Iris replied. It took Phoenix a few seconds to let it sink in.

"Wait what like you wanted to kiss me to like it wasn't just in the moment, no regrets no-" she was cut her off by Iris pressing there lips together. It was beautiful, maybe even more then the night before because now she knew, knew it wasn't just the moment that this was it, they liked each other.

When they pulled away grins were plastered on each of there faces "Iris would you want to be my girlfriend?" Phoenix blurted she found she was still holding Iris hand.

"Of course I would" Iris grinned as if the answer was obvious, which it was.

The two talked for hours, about if they'd tell the others which they decided they would, if some didn't accept them it would be good to make it clear sooner then later, and about many other things, some of the time they were just silent sitting on the dorm room floor still holding each other hands.

Phoenix knew that there was so many things ahead that could go bad, the petrification's getting out of control, Greyback, there friends not being supported and so many other things but for now Iris was there and it was everything.

At noon they went to lunch, Phoenix was happy to say her headache had disappeared. As she sat at the table she immediately realised George was red in the face and then Angelina turned to her. "Phoenix finally, now you've got to come clean, are you and George dating?" she asked.

"No were not dating, you all need to stop thinking that" she replied.

"But your always suspicious and sneak off toghether" Alicia spoke.

"Were not the only ones that sneak off toghether" George answered back and he eyed Fred and Katie, him and Phoenix still hadn't told them they knew but they still haven't come forward about it.

Iris then took Phoenix's hand under the table and squeezed it. Phoenix turned to her and Iris nodded. She turned back to the others who seemed to be a mid argument. "Guys- merlin I'm not with George, im with Iris" Phoenix said breaking the argument.

"Holy shit- really" George spoke his face cracking into a grin.

Phoenix nodded a small pressed on her lips as she squeezed Iris hand back. "God I'm so happy for you" Alicia smiled.

All around they could see the others smiling. They were all happy for them. "What's God?" Fred then asked and Alicia and Phoenix laughed, they were the only two who knew anything about muggles.

The weeks past and the two got closer they even went to Madam Pudifoot's tea shop on the valentine's day hogsmeade trip.

Soon enough Phoenix decided Iris ought to know who her parents were and she explained. She told her that Greyback was her father and that he was out to get her to join him and that her mother was in askaban. Iris was understanding the whole time and told her that she would make sure she was safe and that would never happen.

She would be wrong.

The full moon on February 24th that month took a bad toll on Phoenix. The night had been normal, the same as always, she put her clothes and wand in the corner and then felt the transformation take over her and then she felt nothing.

When she awoke at first she couldn't see and then it felt like she couldn't breathe. She was face down in dirt so when she rolled over she realised she wasn't in the shack but in the forbidden forest. Her face was covered in dirt and there was also something else, blood.

She had a new one on her face right above the other one, this one was deeper and more jagged then the other one. Then there were two in her stomach, both slashing deep and diagonally. Her feet were a bloodied mess and her throat burned with something. But her head felt the worse, she knew it was not the same, this wasn't from the normal pain this was from magic.

Her had was shaky but she lifted up and was glad to see the summoning charm for her wand worked, she used it again for her clothes  which were once again easy to get on but she could bearly moved so she used another spell to that. The blood sunk through the joggers and shirt she had placed on it seconds but she didn't care it made her feel like she had more privacy.

She couldn't even lift her head, but she knew madam Pompfrey would find a way to find her, she was probaly looking as soon as she hadn't shown up.

But there was something Phoenix felt in her and she dreaded it and pushed it to the back of her mind, but the feeling was that she was not alone pat night and that magic, was curses from wizards, that students had found her.

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