Chapter 7

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She felt numb. This feeling had filled her and it felt like it was taking over. She was a werewolf, she could kill and she knew if she did, she would never forgive herself.

It was the 31st of August, she was in bed all day yesterday and now she just layed in bead again staring up at the ceiling, she should be packing, this time tommorow morning she would be on the Hogwarts express. She heard a knock on her door and didn't dare utter a word, hopefully whoever it was would go away but if not she didn't plan to try and pretend she was asleep.

Unluckily the door opened and Remus walked in. "You've got to pack Phoenix" he said standing by the side of her bed. "Can't you homeschool me, your the smartest person like ever" she said. "It wouldn't work that well, besides you'd probably end up getting sick of us and missing your friends, come on I'll help you pack and then we can go out and get some food, you must be starving" he said. She reluctantly slid of her bed and began to pick up clothes and books and put them in her open trunk. Remus helped by folding and organising the things she recklessly chucked in and finally they finished. She got dressed and went downstairs and she, Remus and Sirius went and found a cafe and are sandwiches for lunch.

After, they met with the Potters and went on a walk, Regulus have Phoenix a box of bandages from his work, telling her to bring them with her on the full moon and use them if the bleeding is bad. Harry was excited for his second year, he just hoped there wouldn't be a teacher trying to kill him again.

And then it came. At 8.30 the next morning Phoenix pulled her trunk down the stairs making sure her broomstick was attached securely to it. She was a chaser for the quidditch team and she would definitely sell a student at Hogwarts to make sure she stayed a chaser. She left with her parents at nine and found herself at the station, they ran through the wall and were on platform nine and three quarters. "Stay safe and be precautions" Remus said hugging her. "Prank people and don't forget to say hi to Minnie for me" Sirius winked and he hugged her to, she said goodbye to her parents and got on the train. Little did she know her cousin was in quite the predicament.

She began to walk across the train looking through compartments until she spotted Angelina Johnson, she sat talking with Katie bell and there was Fred, George and Lee beside them, everyone there was on the quidditch team apart from Lee, Katie was the youngest there and then Phoenix was the oldest. She put her trunk aside and plopped herself down beside Lee. "Did Oliver arrange a early quidditch meeting?" she joked. "Good to see you too Phoenix" Angelina smiled.

"Always a pleasure to see you too Angelina, now whereth be my napping quaters" she asked. It was well known that she had managed to full asleep on every single train ride and it wouldn't surprise anyone if it would happen again, it was never intentional she would just get bored of how long the train ride stretched on for and become tired. And another fact about Phoenix is she was rather good at getting in other people's physical space without asking but others doing that to her would leave her wordless.

So by noon she was asleep, her legs were on George's lap whilst her head related on Katie's shoulder. They were all very used to having her just fall asleep on them so this was not out the ordinary. She would just find the first person she knew in sight sit on them and fall asleep.

While she slept they all talked not caring to change there tones as she could sleep through anything when Lee finally mentioned something. "Is it just me but does she look sort of more different" he said pointing to her. They looked and all seemed to look as see that she was missing a few features that were mostly there. Her rosy cheeks seemed to have dimed and died away and her eyes had grown dark patches underneath them, she looked more dull. She had a way of not sleeping for days and looking fine but now her face seemed to show someone who was full of tiredness. It was noted by all of them in there heads but no one spoke of it again. It was Phoenix, she always bounced back.

She finnaly reawoke at two pm and joined in the conversation about quidditch, they hadn't lost any players so Oliver Wood would not change the players so it would be Katie, Alicia and Phoenix as the Chasers, Oliver as the keeper, Fred and George as the Beaters and Harry as the seeker, there team was good and they were all determined and rather sure that they would win this year.

The train ride dragged on and after more conversations, whining, a changing of clothes into there school clothes and several trips to the trolley lady they arrived.

Hogwarts was many things, a school, a castle, a fortress, a home, but one thing it definitely was was magnificent, even with its silhouette and a few glows of yellow it was dazzling and as they got closer they could see the familiar stone walls and pillars, it was amazing.

Finally they were inside and began pilling into the hall, they all wished they could skip the sorting and dive into the meal. While Phoenix was walking in she felt a tap on her shoulder and found it was McGonagall she guestered her aside and Phoenix didn't have to think twice about what it was about. "Phoenix, would you mind coming to my office at noon tommorow so we can discuss your arrangements" McGonagall asked and she nodded and so McGonagall beckoned her to follow the students so she did and went and found a seat beside her friends, all oblivious to the truth.

Hey guys please check my tiktok for info regarding a love interest this is the username if you forgot it:

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