Chapter 35

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It took a while to find someone. Ron was making sure Ginny was ok and Harry was trying to make Lockhart keep following them completely confused about who he was or where he was, Phoenix was arguing with Fawkes about how he should heal her but Fawkes who had perched itself on her shoulder did nothing about the fact her arm and head were still bleeding.

Minerva did find them whilst running across the hallways, she had been planning to send everyone home in the morning.

"Ms Weasley!" She gasped in surprised and then looked from Ginny to Ron who had his arm around his sister's shoulder, to Harry who held the sword and sorting hat, over to Lockhart who was gasping at a moving painting and to Phoenix who was now trying to balance on her foot that still had a shoe whilst blinking the blurriness away.

"Explain yourselves," she said blinking in surprised and Harry told her everything, though during this time Lockhart began to walk off and Phoenix followed him, knowing damn well he would end up lost.

"We've got to go back," she told him trying to keep up with his pace but he was practically running down the halls marvelling at the moving paintings.

"Amazing, amazing!" He shouted.

Phoenix looked at Fawkes on her shoulder and sighed. "If you're not going to help me you can at least give a hand and try and stop him," she said and Fawkes took off trying to pull Lockhart back.

Hogwarts would not be closing, that was the good thing, Ginny was saved and Harry had stopped the Dark Lord once again.

The bad thing was they were most likely in trouble for disobeying the orders of going to the common room and now Phoenix was trying to stop Lockhart whilst trying not to loose consciousness.

Her head was still banging and the cut on her arm and head were bleeding with out mercy. She finally caught up to Lockhart and grabbed him by the arm and began to drag him back. Luckily there disappearance was noticed and they were met halfway by McGonagall who made sure Lockhart was in her grip.

"Mr Weasley is escorting his sister and Harry to the hospital wing, I think it's best you go also," McGonagall told her.

"Yeah probably for the best Minnie," she muttered before it all went black and she fell to the floor.

"You never did learn that you're meant to be quiet here did you Mr Black," Madam Pompfrey tutted and Sirius realised how loud he was being and apologised.

It wasn't entirely his fault. Harry was retelling the story of what was happening and he couldn't help but gasp and laugh. He was pleased to know that his daughter punched Tom Riddle.

"And that's pretty much it, but she was rather upset about her shoe last I heard her say," Harry told them.

Phoenix had been unconscious for about two days and Remus and Sirius had been contacted and given permission to come to the school. James and Regulus came a day earlier to see if Harry was alright, which thanks to Fawkes he was.

"Ok, thanks for catching us up, but Sirius you better stay quiet, she will kill you out," Remus reminded him, he was glad to see Madam Pompfrey but knew well that she would kick them all out if they were to loud.

"Yeah you guys are going to give me a headache," Phoenix murmured pushing herself up and smiling at the three when they looked at her.

"Nix, are you alright?" Remus asked her.

"Yeah I am its-" she began then she turned to see Fawkes perched at the table beside her. "Why the fuck is that bird here?" She asked, she began to glare at it.

"He wouldn't leave," Harry told her.

"It's evil I tell you, bugger off," she told him and so he did going into the air and flying away.

Phoenix had been awake for less than two minutes when McGonagall came in. "Good to see you awake," she said and then she turned to Harry. "Dumbledore would like to see you," she said and Harry said a goodbye leaving with McGonagall.

"How long was I out for?" She asked. It looked like it was around midday now.

"Two days," Sirius told her and then the hospital wing door opened and George and Iris came in, quickly darting over.

"You're awake," Iris smilled gleefully, throwing her arms over Phoenix, embracing her.

"Who are they?" Remus asked eyeing Iris and then George who was looking at him and Sirius open mouthed.

"Iris and George," Phoenix told them chuckling as Iris pulled away seeming to only now realise they were there.

"Ah, the girlfriend," Sirius said grinning.

"Why is he gawking?" Remus asked as George was still in place open mouthed.

"He's a big fan of your work here at Hogwarts," Phoenix chuckled and hit his arm lightly.

"Oh hi," George said finally finding words, but looking still at Sirius and Remus.

"Good to see you too George," Phoenix muttered.

It took a while for George to pull out of his trance and talk to them all normally, but he did ask a lot of questions to Sirius and Remus.

By the end of the day she was let out and Remus and Sirius left. It was only three more months until summer.

The news of there triumph in the chamber spread quickly and Harry and Phoenix we're being patted on the back or thanked by most people they passed.

Phoenix was rather glad to find that Harry had returned to the chamber and retrieved her shoe.

All her friends were glad to see her back and were all more then pleased to here the story from her point of view. Punching the Dark Lord in the face was something a lot of people were most shocked at but it didn't seem to be the biggest part, Phoenix could still practically feel herself being hit back by that snake.

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