Chapter 21

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The day went on and finished with a bit meal full of meats, veggies and delicious dishes cooked by Regulus and Remus the only two allowed anywhere near a kitchen.

Christmas day soon past and it was only a week before Phoenix and Harry would return to school. But the day before they would go back was the full moon. Mary stayed until new year's, they had all stayed up late and she looked rather tired but proclaimed sleep was for the weak before leaving

That day of the full moon came so Phoenix and her dad's started making the walk towards where they would stay. It was long and almost agonising, but she knew that if this helped tire the wolf it was good to do. "How are you doing with those rumours about you at school?" Remus asked. She sighed and then replied "It's stressful ill say but I didn't do it, I just hope whoever has been doing it will be caught" she said. "Don't forget you can tell us anything" Sirius piped in. "I will, sorry for not beforehand" she said.

When they arrived they walked down to the cell and Phoenix noticed a new adjustment to it, there was a metal. "It's another room, for you privacy and all" Sirius said. "Thanks" she said a soft smile on her face, Remus then passed her her flask and she drank down the potion and then she said goodbye.

She walked into the room which was smaller but otherwise identical as the one her fathers were in and shut it and got unchanged, waiting. Then she felt it once again the agonising transformation, and then nothing. When she woke up a searing pain crossed her, it was her face, she pulled her hand to it and then winced in pain pulling her hand away now covered in blood, a deep gash was in her face, she knew the transformations in her teenage years would be bad but not this bad, this repeating pain felt like torture. She pulled her clothes on and knew she had to be quick, this needed to be mended and she had to be on the Hogwarts express in less than four hours. She heard a soft knock on the door and Sirius call her name and she opened it. He let out a small yelp of horror and Remus eyes seemed to widen, his face was pale but he had a thin cut on his hand but nothing else.

"Let's get you to Regulus" he said. In moments they apparated and were outside the Potters, they knocked and it was opened by James. "Merlin- Reg!" He yelled in alarm and in moments Phoenix was sat on a stool as Regulus dabbed the wound and with a flick of his wand mended the wound, she saw her reflection in a mirror and it was very noticeable lined in white with a darkness to it. "Thanks" she said softly and they were soon gone.

Phoenix changed into a cosy jumper as the bitter cold was still around, now blanketing the streets with thin snow and icy puddles. She wanted to sleep, even before and after the full moon it felt like she hadn't slept in ages. She made sure everything was packed tightly including her new Christmas gifts and that she had not left her wand behind and dragged her trunk and bag down the stairs.

Remus wasn't feeling well from the moon and so was going to stay. She didnt blame him if she could she would be passed out right now. She and Sirius met with Regulus and Harry as James had an important quidditch practice with his team the Montrose Magpies which he was chaser of.

They soon arrived at the Platform and began to say there goodbyes, Sirius had already noticed and commented to how sick Phoenix was, the aftermath of the full moon had never felt this bad and it felt like murder to her "Just get some sleep on the train ok, and go to Madam Pompfrey when you arrive if it's still bad" he said. "I will" she replied. "Be you Nix and stay safe" he said. She nodded and gave him a quick hug before dragging her trunk on to the train and giving him one last wave.

As she walked through the carriages she could feel eyes tracing her face and she knew they were looking at, the scar. She gathered a quick excuse as to why it was there as she pushed her trunk into the rack outside her usual compartment. She slid open the door and was glad to see she was the first one there. She sat nestling herself in the corner and enjoying the quiet. Her silence was soon disrupted by someone yelling her name as the opened the door flinging there arms around her. "Merlin Fred good to see you to" she said a soft chuckle, he was followed in after by George and Alicia and the three seemed to see the scar on her face at once.

Fred and Alicia were looking shocked but it took George a few seconds to know where it had come from. "How'd you get that?" Alicia asked pointing at it as she sat down. "I went ice skating, someone floored it and then I fell right behind them and my face caught on the blade" they winced at the thought and just like Phoenix presumed it wasn't brought up again. She only had to retell the story twice and they all believed it.

She slept through most the journey but they all seemed glad to see she was more herself again, she was going to be who she was but like she was told to not take it to far.

When she awoke the train was pulling into the station and she was feeling as sick as ever. "You ok, your pale" Angelina said. She just shrugged and grabbed her trunk and pulled it onto the station.

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