Chapter 10

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Sirius stroked the owl that had arrived in the morning before retreating the letter from its beak. He could recognize in a instant who the handwriting on the fronts was. "Hey moony, we have a letter from Phoenix" he said with a grin as he walked into the room where his husband sat sipping tea. "She bearly ever rights this early, I do hope she hasn't burnt the school down" Remus said letting himself chuckle a little at the thought.

Sirius came and sat in the armchair opposite him and opened the letter and he read what it said to Remus. The first letter was read then the other from the unknown person. "..F.G" Sirius finished. "No" Remus said it had dawned on him. "Remus what is it" Sirius said, the usual nickname gone only worry and concern was in his voice. "I think I know who this man is" he said. "And I sure as hell don't want him anywhere near our daughter" he said.

Phoenix was finding it a bit hard to play it cool, and she was more quiet then usual today, but they all didn't seem to notice, most were hungover or still sleeping off the night. When dinner came around she decided to sit with the house elves through the secret portrait, they gave her food almost instantly and she thanked them, she liked the house elves alot.

When she stepped out the kitchen corridor and into the Great hall a letter was dropped infront of her, she picked it up and felt almost sick, it wasn't her parents writing, but the one she had seen earlier. "There you are, what's that?" Angelina said almost popping up from nowhere, "Junk mail, I accidentally subscribed to a monthly post of elderly wizard news" she made up quickly pocketing the letter. "That doesn't suprise me, but come on I want to braid your hair" she said and she dragged her up to the Gryffindor common room.

Phoenix soon found herself sitting of the floor infront of the fireplace, with Angelina in the armchair behind her, braiding her dark mess of curls into two braids. All that was on her mind was the letter in her pocket and that in reality she didn't want to open it but the urgency and suspicion to know made her eager to open it, it was only a few hours after the first had arrived, why another.

Harry walked past and she gave him a fist bump congratulating him on his bold way of arrival at Hogwarts by using the flying car. Finnaly Angelina finished and she told her she was going to grab a book to read. But as soon as she got into the room she sat down on the floor her back pressed to the door and opened the letter.

Be at the forbidden forest at 10pm September 29th, come alone.


It was so short but meant to much, that was a day before the full moon and was 27 days away, but there was one thing that hung in her mind that terrified her, it was that she wasn't going to send this letter to her Dad's, they would worry, they would make a fuss, they wouldn't let her go. But she wanted to. Not because she felt the urge to reconnect and be a happy family, but just to know why he left her and who her mother was and then she would tell him to screw off. Maybe not telling them would make things alot easier, she slid the letter like she had done earlier with the other one in her drawer. She grabbed out a book which was on the top of the pile she had by the windowsill, being in the room alone was ok but occasionally a horrible feeling of loneliness swept over her and she would feel isolated

She walked back down to the common room where Angelina sat now talking to Alicia so she sat in an empty armchair opening the book in her hand and began to read it, it was a defence against the dark arts one and seemed rather interesting. It was new and as she read on became more and more invested until she opened a page and came across a horrible drawing.

A beast it teeth large and vicious, it's eyes gave a deadly stare and it fur was tattered and dirty but it claws were most horrifying, long and dark marked with traces of blood and dirt, the moving picture seemed to look deep into her and she slammed it shut knowing exactly what it was, it was her, a werewolf.

She hadn't realised the emptiness of the common room till now, it was silent. She looked to the clock on the ceiling to see two am was closing by. She loved to read but would often get carried away and fall into her own world, just like Remus does. The heat of the fire and the comfy-ness of the chair tempted her well and she soon found herself dozing off in the armchair until someone tapped her on the shoulder. She opened her eyes and saw a smirking face "Weasley, she do you want" she said closing her eyes ignoring George. "Your sleeping in an armchair, I don't need you complaining to me tommorow about your back dying" he said.

She kept her eyes closed but responded "I'll deal with it" she said but in seconds was moved, she felt herself lift of the ground and was in George's arms "You weasel, take me back, my room sucks it feels to empty" she said but her struggles failed as tiredness took over. "Well your going to have to deal with it, the spell you used to let me go up the stairs still lasts for a few more days" he chuckled. She soon found herself in her own bed and she sighed. "George, I have to lie" she said as he began walking away. "To my parents, and to you guys and I can't handle it, I'm not good at this all" she said.

"Phoenix what's wrong" he said and he sat on the edge of her bed. "I'm not who I thought I was, and I wasn't ready for it and now I'm meant to change and I can't, I can't stop being me" she replied.

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