Chapter 5

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They went through the front door and immediately Phoenix said she was going to sleep. Remus went and sat in the kitchen and Sirius made himself a coffee and Remus a tea. "I hurt her Sirius, I should of taken extra precautions, we knew she might not change, I should of been prepared for that" he said. Sirius placed a hand over Remus and said "It's not your fault and we all know it, I should of though it through before barking" he replied. "Sirius its not your fault either" Remus insisted but both of them knew they didn't truly believe the other.

When Phoenix woke up she found something on her face, she saw it was a letter and beside her was her owl Coco. She sat up and opened the letter and began to read it.

Hey Phoenix

How's your summer going, were currently not meant to be writing, mums angry we burnt half the cats hair off, accidently, we can't use magic out of school so using a match is quite the struggle.

Mum did said that we can invite some friends to a picnic so we decided to invite are amazing year older friend, Lee's coming too, plus Ron's inviting Harry so you and you can mostly play the but my cousin is going card. 14th of August!

Think of pranks while your at it!

From George

P.S We think Percy wants to snog youu

nO i doNt!!!!!

She laughed at the letter, she had a few friends in her year but she was closer with the students in the year younger. She was happy to see it wasn't anytime near the full moon which would be in four weeks while the picnic was in two weeks, but that wasn't a big priority, tommorow they were having a party for Harry's birthday and for now she could just chill out and be happy it hadn't happened yet.

The next day the three of them found themselves walking towards the Potters house at dawn, they had to be there before Harry awoke to help the other two decorate. They each held a wrapped box, presents they had gotten for him. When they arrived they found not just Regulus and James preparing the decorations but Harry's friends Ron and Hermione and Mary MacDonald a old friend of the adults.

They decorated the room in silver and gold and put the presents on the floor in a pile. When Harry awoke and came downstairs he seemed almost startled by the amount of people. He began to open his presents his grin widening more and more. From Hermione he received a quidditch tactics book, from Ron a large collection of his favourite sweets, Mary had gotten him a robe in a beautiful dark blue, Remus had gotten him a Potions kit and Sirius got him a prank kit jam-packed with stink bombs. Phoenix had gotten him a crystal ball which she swore would definitely not lie to him (it was a prank ball it definitely would). And his dad's got him a new Nimbus 2002.

The day was great they listened to music, chatted, ate food Regulus had made quite well and had a fun time. Phoenix always liked Mary. Everyone was nice, but she was the only girl around and it was nice seeing her and just talking, plus Mary had braided her hair more times then she could count, Remus and Sirius had failed at there attempts to learn to do that.

"Any guys or gals you've taken a fancy to?" Mary asked as Phoenix sat next to her on the couch while she braided her hair. "Not really, but supposedly someone wants to snog me" she said. This made Remus who was a few metres across the room sipping on coffee choke, Sirius pop his head round the doorframe and Ron talk "Is that Percy your on about, yeah he definitely fancies you, but you could do better" he said. "Percy's your brother" Harry said. "Yeah and she could do better" Ron said, he was definitely quite honest.

"Well either way my daughter won't be snogging anyone anytime soon" Remus said and resumed drinking his coffee, she rolled her eyes and Mary continued to braid her hair.

Harry's friends left at seven and Sirius, Remus and Phoenix left at ten after saying a goodbye earlier on to Mary. On the walk home Phoenix asked about the picnic she had been invited to and pulled the cousin card and they agreed.

After the two weeks passed Phoenix found herself getting ready to go to the Weasley's, she put on a queen shirt which was a Muggle band Sirius adored and she grew to love too and a leather jacket, with the heat it may be annoying but she couldn't chance anyone asking about the faded mark on her arm. She said goodbye to her parents and grabbed some floo powder from beside the fireplace and stepped inside and said "The Weasley's" and threw the powder and watched the green flame glow and then disappear into a fuzz and then she reappeared in a difference fireplace, she stepped out and was met with a familiar face. "Hey Mrs Weasley" she smiled. She'd met her twice beforehand, once on the platform after her fourth year and last summer when she came round for the weekend. "Ah Phoenix were so glad you could make it, Harry's already here I've just got to finish packing the muffins and mats away and we can set off" she said. "I'll give you a hand" Phoenix offered and found herself helping out Molly.

"Ah there she is, how you doing Nix?" asked a cheerful Lee Jordan. "Not to bad, did you get it?" She asked. "Yep quidditch commenter two years in a row" he grinned. "You better comment on how great a chaser I am" she said after picking up one of the baskets and walking outside to the others. There were all the Weasley's except from the two oldest ones, and Harry, Hermione and a ravenclaw boy in Percy year who she wasn't sure of name. This seemed like it would be a great day.

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