Edward (8)

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Edward did everything he could to try and get away from you

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Edward did everything he could to try and get away from you. He had a girlfriend, Bella and ignored the incoming visions of Alice. She had started to get visions of Edward ending up with someone else. He was a loyal person and didn't want to bring another human in the mix when he already messed up by bringing the wrong one in.

His only expression that came to him when he was around you was pain. He wanted more than anything to be with you and started to push away from Bella. You had thought he hated you because you thought that expression was hidden glares.

"Hey (Y/n)!" Mike said brightly. 

You signed and gave him a fake smile. "Hey, Mike."

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out?" 

Edward was completely focused in the conversation. 

"What would we do?"

Mike let out a bigger smile. Edward shook his head and stopped mid tracks hearing his thoughts. 

He didn't want this to go any further. 

"She has plans." Edward called walking straight up to him a feeling of protectiveness waved over him more intensely. 

"What?" You ask confused.

With out thinking Edward impulsively through an arm around you and turned your head to face him. He placed a long kiss on your forehead. 

Mikes, yours and anyone who was watching the interaction eyes went wide. Everyone knew about him and Bella.

"Edward?!" A call a few feet away came from behind him. The voice snapping Edward out of his impulse, completely forgetting that she had been walking with him.

Bella stood, horrified at the situation in front of her - your face not any better. 

Edward stayed quite trying to gather all that happened. It feels so natural with you and not forced. 

He glanced down a your wide eyes and was going to turn around but a wave of passion came over him. 

"I'm in love with you." He stated shocking himself. His tone blunt and to the point. 

"Really Jasper?" Alice scalded him getting into the car. 

"It had to be done at some point." He shrugged and looked back at the situation.

"But in front of everyone?" She asked.

He shrugged again, "Im still his brother, I have to have a little fun." He said out of character. 

Emmet laughed in character.

Part 2?

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