POLY! Edward + Jake

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Any one eles having a problem with gifs lately? Everyone I post on here gets sped up :/

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Any one eles having a problem with gifs lately? Everyone I post on here gets sped up :/

Thank you all for 14k!! :)


"Can we just leave...Please?" You mumbled tugging on Jakes arm to get back to the car.

He ignored you and took a step towards Edward.

You shook your head and turned to the car trying your best to ignore the current situation.

A few months ago Jake, Edward and you had discovered that there was a mate love triangle between you.

Jake and Edward had both imprinted on you.

Jake had been chasing Bella while Edward was convinced Bella was his mate. The whole situation was confusing and ended in you being left out of both of their lives.

It wasn't until Jake had showed up on your door step begging for forgiveness. He has been so stuck on this idea that Bella was meant for him he left you hurt.
After the pack had an Imprint wedding that Jake attended, his entire view on the situation flipped.

After you forgave him and talked it out, you both, surprisingly, would be okay with a poly situation but in Jakes words: "as long as I'm not datin or fuckin the Blood Sucker I'm cool."

And so began Jake basically harassing Edward any chance he got because he wouldn't budge.

Edward during this whole mess wouldn't give up his relationship with Bella. He had committed to her, her family and his family that she was the one. He had to force himself to stay.

This way of thinking didn't last long. He wouldn't stop thinking about the lovey dovey situations he was in with Bella but replaced them with you.

It got to the point where hugs were even imagined as you.

He knew Bella. To him Bella was safe and predictable. You were unknown and unprodicabke. Not to mention the added mutt to the situation.

Was he not good enough for you? Why did you need two mates? His thoughts were filled as he watched you and Jake. Even with the thoughts in the back of his mind one certain one would always come forward the strongest.

'That should be me.'

Another one of Jakes harassing adventures lead to your current situation.

"I just find it funny how much you're really trying to force a relationship with her that's all." Jake said nonchalantly as he gestured to Bella.

"I'm not forcing anything." Edward stated and looked at Bella nodding for her to come on the steps with him.

She didn't move as she stepped closer to the middle of them.

"Jake, we have already said how the situation will be... he wants-"

"You don't know what he fuckn wants Bella." Jake snapped.

Bella flinched and didn't respond. Not too long ago they were fine and now things were flipped. His anger always going to towards her. He hated the idea of how he used to think about her and it his mate. It was easier to just hate her.

"Y/N can feel everythin your feelin. Did ya forget about that?" Jake said with a harsh look.

"I have told you the truth. If this is all you showed up for then I'd suggest you leave." Edward said emotionalist. His head trying to force his eyes down so that you were not in his site.

Jake let out a quick laugh and shook his head. "Whatever dude. I'll just go back to my imprint then." Jake put an possessive tone im his voice as he turned.

That was the last thing to make Edward snap. Using his vampier speed he went to Jake and turned him

"Say it again." He snapped at him.

"Get the fuck off me!" Jake shouted.

"Guys-" Bella started.

You're eyes widened as you ran towards them. With out meaning to you pushed Bella out of the way taking her place.

"Jake, that's enough, let's go-" you stated quickly. You got cut off as Edward grabbed you pressing your back into his chest.

"You have no right to call her yours. She's mine too."

Jakes eyebrows went up and reached for you. "Oh! Now she's yours! What happened to Bella-"

"Edward." Bella cut him off.

He didn't answer as he pulled you closer to him. He felt out of place. This was very out of character for him.

"I have spent... so... long.. trying to get her out of my head. I can't. I can't do it anymore." He admitted. Your scent taking over any thoughts he had. They spilled out of his mouth, thoughts he didn't want to share. But having you this close to him for the first time...
His mate. His real Blood Singer. Was enough to go out of character and cave.

"Jake shook his head.

"Are you okay with this?" He asked.
You just shrugged not knowing how to take this situation.

"Edward what does this mean?" Bella asked uncomfortable.

Edward took a few moments before he looked down at you. Your eyes connected with his as he responded with,

"I think you know what is happening."

Part two on request.

Thanks for reading! Happy Camp NaNoWriMo 2023!!

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