POLY! Edward + Jake

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"Yeah well, we arnt like that anymore thankfully

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"Yeah well, we arnt like that anymore thankfully..." Jacob said with a smile leaning against your car.

You rolled your eyes and nodded. You sat in your front seat with the door open while Jake and Edward started a conversation on how things used to be between the three of you.

"The amount of times I had to explain to Alice on how you and I were not dating..." Edward laughed.

"God no." Jake shook his head.

You sat back with a smile at the two of them. You never thought they would get to this point with each other.

5 months earlier....

"I don't understand how this even works-"

"You have said this five times now we get it." Edward snapped.

You sat in the Cullen living room silently. You're leg bounced as you looked between them.

"How about instead of yelling, you both tell us how you came to figure this out, yeah? Have a seat. Both of you." Esme cut in trying to calm this situation.

Edward and Jake both sat down on opposite sides of the living room. Jake glaring at him while Edward glanced at you.

"I'm sorry we are making you feel this way." Edward said softly towards you.

You're eyebrows frowned as you quickly looked at him.

"What?" You asked quietly

You wanted to go home, one thing after another kept happening today. The morning started off with getting a McDonald's breakfast sandwich which led to the meeting of a starey and creepy Jake. Which then led to arriving to your second day of your new school and a starey Edward. After school, you were trying to go home but both men were at the entrance looking for you and arguing with each other.

All of that led to this. Two people who you have never met before force you to come to an unknown house with more unknown people who just tried explaining to you that they were vampires' while one was a shapeshifter. You were out of it to say the least.

"Get out of her mind you ass hole!" Jake shouted with his arms crossed. 

Edward just glanced at him with a glare as Esme shushed the both of them.

It didn't take you long to put two and two together. You were just thinking how you wanted to leave plus a room full of vampires' equals...

"You can read my mind" You stated bluntly not looking at him.

The room grew silent upon hearing this. 

"Just me." Edward said as if it was supposed to make you feel any better by the fact that your thoughts where on display for him.

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