Armin x Reader

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Trudging through the snow I only had one thought: was this it?  The blizzard had surprised us, we weren't anticipating this problem.  Between the titans and mother nature I was sure I would be eaten before freezing to death anyday.  One was a painful reality and the other a background issue that hadn't plagued my mind till I became numb. 

There were no nights that I stayed up thinking about my demise in freezing, windy weather, a corpse frozen beyond recognition.  I knew my life would end in brilliant red explosions and soul shattering screams and pleads for life, a second chance to take everyone I love and run, death by hypothermia was never a depressing truth I had to come to terms with. 

My teeth chattered despite my attempts of clenching my mouth closed.  Both of my feet had already lost all feeling, only a black cold remained as it spread to my ankles and up my legs.  My face felt a million stings with each blow of the wind, tiny ice particles cutting through flesh each time. 

Eyes burning and breath curling in the air, I felt a new fear.  A fear that all of this was for nothing once again, that we would all die out here with only our frozen bones to tell our story.  But through it all it wasn't my death I was devastated over, sure it would be a major inconvenience for me but there were other people that needed to live on and I couldn't live without. 

Trembling, it took all my strength to turn my head in the direction of my friends.  Eren has certainly seen better days.  He had an odd stagger in his walk and the palest tone I have seen on him but his eyes held an unmovable light, the light that has kept him going for years now.  He had the look of a warrior as he always did, like he could punch the hell out of the storm. 

My eyes slid to the dark figure always by his side.  Mikasa looked mostly unaffected besides her shaky hands.  She always had those tired, expressionless eyes, it wasn't the freezing temperature messing with those features.  I knew that out of all of us, she'd make it.

Teeth clenching harder, I watched my dearest friend struggle the most.  Armin, his golden hair flying wildly in the wind and his sapphire eyes wide in fear.  I wanted nothing more than to get him out of here, to shield him from death and give myself up instead.  I'd do anything for him to have one more day in this hell, to have the chance to live despite the odds, to have a bright future even if I was no longer a part of it.  I silently prayed for his well-being, for his survival. 

Shuffling closer to him, I quickly thought of ways to help.  He noticed me by him, his head raising slightly to meet my concerned gaze.  I would've offered some lie about how we'd make it through this alive but the blizzard was too loud to be heard.  I settled for a determined nod before removing my survey corps cloak, wrapping it quickly around him. 

His eyes widened even further from the shock as he yelled something but the wind stole his words.  I grabbed his arms as they tried to move enough to return my cloak, stopping his movements.  Even as the cold made me hiss in pain I had to do this.  If not for him, for me, selfish me who needed him to live on. 

I gave him a small smile before shuffling away from him and my friends, toward the captain where he couldn't have the strength to follow. 

I instantly felt the difference without that extra layer, my ribs felt like ice blocks and my lungs a feeling of being coated with frost.  Each breath burned but I continued on.  No one paid enough attention to notice my quickly freezing state. 

After minutes of wheezing, the wind suddenly stopped.  The eeriness of not having that sound filled the silence.  A collective gasp went through our squads as the snow lessened enough to see cabins ahead of us.  I dropped to my knees in both gratefulness and the lack of ability to stand anymore.  I might not die out here.  Armin wouldn't die, Mikasa and Eren wouldn't either. 

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