Eren x Reader

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He was changing and I wasn't sure if I was ready for the new version of him.  My eyes slid over to Eren, my best friend since forever, my partner in crime.  I've always known him to get angry quicker and more easily than the others but it seems like it's begun to become his whole demeanor. 
Ever since the fall of Wall Maria we've all gone through changes and so I brushed off his brooding attitude as necessary for survival but even now, when we have a break to pretend we lead normal lives he still shuts us out to stare angrily at the table.  It was enough to dampen my spirits. 
Sliding to his side causally, I noticed there were minimal other cadets present in the room.  It was to be expected, only the crazy ones stayed behind on a vacation like this.  I wanted to be out and about but something about the way Eren's been acting made me stay, as if he couldn't be trusted by himself. 
"What are you doing here?"  His gruff voice was laced with a hint of hostility that dragged my mood down further, if that was even possible at this point.  He didn't turn my way or really even acknowledge that I had chosen to stay behind when all our other friends left without a second thought. 
"There wasn't anywhere else I wanted to be.  Besides, I've been meaning to talk to you," I replied, trying to keep a cheery attitude despite the suffocating atmosphere.  Eren slid his hard gaze to me, a fire burning in his bright eyes.  He looked haunted, the same look he wore ever since the death of his mother. 
"I don't want to talk right now," he dismissed, averting his gaze towards the table again.  His brooding billowed around him, making me choke on my words momentarily.  He obviously wanted to be alone but I just couldn't find it in me to walk away. 
Instead, I slid closer to him, our legs brushing and shoulders bumping.  Eren's posture stiffened at the contact, his head swiveling to stare at me with narrowed eyes.  It wasn't exactly the reaction I wanted from him but I at least had his attention. 
"Well I do want to talk right now," I stated, settling my gaze on my fingers as they rested on the table to fidget.  Eren's shoulders untensed by my side as he exhaled a breath I hadn't noticed him holding.  "Do you remember when I got sick?" 
Eren's head cocked to the side at my question before a small chuckle slid past his lips.  It wasn't anything cheery but a sad attempt at normalcy.  He leaned forward to rest his own hands on the table, also fidgeting as the hostile atmosphere receded a bit. 
"Yeah, I remember.  You were bedridden for a week and everyone thought you weren't going to make it," he whispered somberly.  It clearly wasn't his favorite memory to replay but I wasn't saying this to hurt him further than he already was.  I sighed softly, allowing my hand to brush against his for a quick moment. 
"I don't remember much from those days but I do recall one memory clearly," I smiled gently.  Eren's shoulder pushed against mine, whether a twitch or a purposeful nudge didn't matter as I returned the contact.  "I remember waking up from my daze to see you sleeping by my side, dark circles under your eyes like you haven't slept in days.  When I healed up, Mikasa told me that you would stay by my side and watch me breathe to make sure nothing happened." 
Eren chuckled again, the sound still sad but mixed with a lighter tone.  He had a small smile on his face and yet he looked so beaten down.  My chest clenched in sorrow.  Was there a way I could help him or would I only make things worse? 
"I was terrified that I'd lose you.  I couldn't stay away from you, scared that you'd die if I wasn't there to protect you," he gritted through grinding teeth.  His voice was wavering now, fists clenched in front of him as he blinked quickly.  It was clear what he was battling away but he needed to feel these emotions if he was going to get through this. 
I took his hand in mine, squeezing reassuringly as I felt my own emotions build up behind my eyes.  It was crazy how far we've come and yet how far we had to go.  All I knew was that I needed Eren in my life with me. 
"I'm scared that you're pulling away from me now, from all of us.  I want to stay by you, to watch you live against all odds and reach your dreams but I also want to be a part of it with you," I offered, intertwining our fingers between us.  Eren's eyes glistened as a tear slid down his face.  His expression broke down as he eagerly wrapped his arms around me, pushing his face against my neck as he shuddered and cried. 
"I just want to keep you safe.  I need you to stay alive," he mumbled against my skin, his tears staining my collar.  Hands slipping into his hair, I massaged his scalp to hopefully calm him down eventually.  For now, he wept his heart out.  Years worth of pain finally spilling over between us. 
"We'll stay alive together.  I'll watch for you just as you watched for me those years ago," I whispered against his hair, pressing a kiss to his forehead.  He clutched me harder but didn't mumble another word.  There was nothing left to say.

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