Hange x Reader

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The world seemed so peaceful at this hour, like humanity didn't have to claw and fight for a chance to survive.  A yawn escaped my mouth as my arms stretched above my head with a satisfying pop.  Birds chirped at the window with all the glee of morning.  I could already tell that today was meant to be peaceful. 
My attention diverted to the creak of the bed beside me at the true beauty of my day.  Sunlight filtered in through the crack of the window to luminate Hange's sleeping face.  Their lips were slightly parted, eyelashes fluttering faintly with each even breath. 
Turning to my side, my hand slid to cup their face tenderly.  They let out a quiet groan that sent shivers down my spine.  They must've been extremely exhausted to sleep in this long, probably stayed up late doing work.  I shook my head in disappointment that they didn't take a break to just go to bed with me instead. 
"I know, I'm sorry," the sleepy voice rasped out.  It was scary how Hange could always tell what I'm thinking.  I gazed down at them, transfixed by their tired stare.  A small smile graced my lips as they cuddled into my chest. 
"I just wish you didn't work so hard all the time and had time to just be my amazing lover without saving the world," I whispered before placing a kiss on their head.  I felt them shift around under the blanket, hands clasping mine and legs tangling.  They angled their face up to peck my lips quickly causing heat to bubble up my neck. 
"I wish I had more time to spend with my amazing boyfriend too but that sadly isn't the case," Hange sighed.  I nodded in disappointed understanding as I pulled them into a tighter hold.  We took our turns kissing foreheads and trading sleepy amused giggles.  Hange could turn any situation light hearted, even when my spirits had felt so low.  They were a steadfast rock in this crazy world that I could forever lean on. 
My hands traveled to their waist, tracing small patterns into the soft skin.  Hange sighed breathily into the space between us as I placed another kiss on their lips.  This one was longer and sweeter with all the slowness as if we had an eternity to waste. 
"I love you," I whispered between kisses.  They hummed happily with each peck, their arms wrapping up and around my neck.  It was suffocating in all the right ways. 
"I love you more," they retorted.  I chuckled, diverting my attention to the tip of their nose, leaving a butterfly kiss there before trailing down their neck.  Another sigh escaped their perfect lips. 
"Impossible," I ensured.  And it was.  My love for them was infinite with no end.  I would dedicate my life to them and planned to do just that once things calmed down.  I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with them.  My proposal had to wait though till the chaos died down slightly. 
"As much as I want this to continue further, and this will continue later, I'm feeling a little hungry.  How 'bout some breakfast?" I offered.  They perked up instantly at the proposition.  Hange didn't even provide an answer as they rolled away to scramble for their glasses on the nightstand.  It was clear their energy was kicking in. 
"Hell yeah!  Let's hurry and eat so we can finish this before Pipsqueak gives me work," they hurriedly declared.  I watched in amusement as they scrambled to put on their uniform.  I chuckled at their excitement before rising myself to help them put it on properly. 
"You're so cute in the morning," I smiled, buttoning up their shirt.  They grinned back at me with the usual mischievous glint in their eye.  Their hand came up to grip my chin firmly, dragging my attention from their shirt to their lips. 
"Bold of you to assume I'm not cute all the time."  There was a brief silence before I snorted out a laugh causing them to break down chuckling as well.  We took a solid minute trying to pull ourselves together with little luck.  Oh yeah, I was absolutely sure this is who I wanted to marry and spend the rest of my life with.  There was no doubt.

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