Levi x Reader

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"He's such an asshole." I sighed, my head tilting in my hand as I watched the captain like a hawk. The blonde by my side froze up nervously, poor Armin might not be able to handle my traitorous talk after all.

"You can't just say things like that! If he hears you, who knows what he'll do to you," he exclaimed in his blasphemous tone. Another sigh was huffed out because I didn't particularly care what Levi thought he could do to me. If anything it would be entertaining to see the pipsqueak do anything besides keep up his resting bitch face.

I took a lazy bite from the stale roll of bread, Levi glancing my way with his usual glare. I didn't flinch away like most of the other cadets would, instead squinting my eyes back in equal disdain.

"Stop it!" Armin whisper-yelled in my ear in horror. With a roll of my eyes, I broke eye contact to deadpan towards the paranoid blonde. He visibly blanched under my gaze but I gave him a comforting small smile.

"Don't worry so much. All I want is to show the captain he doesn't rule the place." My expression soured again with another glare sent in Levi's direction. "He's not the top dog around here," I sneered distastefully.

Armin tensed up, not relaxing till I dedicated my full attention back to my food and not trying to challenge the captain. It was ridiculous though the power Levi held over most of these cadets. It was blind dedication. I didn't understand why everyone treated him like a god, someone you didn't argue with and absently bowed down to. Stuff like that bugged me to no end and I was adamant on making sure the captain knew I wasn't a blind follower in his church.

Levi's glare slid back to me with even more intensity. I wasn't sure what his problem was but I wasn't going to deal with it any longer. I began to wonder how Armin would respond if I flipped the captain off.

"Will. You. Quit. That," he seethed by my side. I've never seen him anywhere near pissed off before so I knew I was starting to bug him which I didn't want to do. There was only one target I had for my capability to annoy and so I looked away though it felt like surrendering, something I never did willingly.

"I'm full anyways, I'm going outside to blow off some steam. Sorry for making you worry," I cast Armin a small smile, hopefully letting him know that I was going to try my best to be on my best behavior for the rest of the night. Trouble had a way of following me though as I slipped into the night.

Making my way over to a straw dummy hanging from a tree, I struck out with my fists. I wasn't sure why Levi made me feel so angry but I let that emotion pour into my hits, pieces of straw flying through the air. Maybe it was this feeling of helplessness or tension that had me imagining the captain's face as I punched harder.

What was this feeling and why was it so strong? It made me want to squirm as needles prickled in my chest whenever Levi was near or he threw his usual sneer at me. Perhaps I was mistaking the cause of my anger but that only made me more pissed off.

Growling lowly, I brought my leg up harshly to dig into the material of what was left of the straw dummy. The remains catapulted across part of the training field as I grunted in frustration. Storming over to the tree, I drove one of my fists against the hard bark. Pain blossomed through my knuckles so my rampage ended there...or so I thought.

Something hard slammed against my back, sending me sprawling to the ground with a grunt. Dirt flew into my lungs as I coughed. Before I could try to stand, a boot stepped onto my chest as my lungs were restricted and rocks dug into my back. My eyes narrowed at the figure glaring down at me under his weight.

"Why the hell are you out here making a mess?" Levi's deep voice questioned disapprovingly. I sneered up at him but he clearly didn't give a crap what I did. He only kept his usual 'fuck you' expression on his face. My hands gripped his ankle but it didn't budge when I attempted to move it.

"I was sick of staring at your face while I was trying to eat," I spat at him. He raised an eyebrow and that same prickly feeling spread through my chest. Out of a new resurgence of anger, I used my energy to slide his foot off of me.

Shifting my weight, I pulled the captain down into the dirt with me. He let out a sharp exhale at the impact of his back hitting the ground. I quickly rolled over before he could regain his thoughts to move, forcing him down as I glared at him. His sneer was more intense now, promising vengeance and pain.

"You'll pay for that you fucker," he hissed. I didn't hear what he said though, my mind in a daze as my chest clenched. Was Levi always this attractive? His dark hair made a halo around his head, eyes deep and skin smooth. I found myself gritting my teeth to the point of nearly cracking.

"Fuck you," I mumbled but my heart wasn't in it the way I thought it was. Levi's expression softened the most minuscule amount, his eyes rolling as his glare turned to a disapproving stare. His eyebrow lifted again in what appeared to be realization.

"It seems we're both clueless about this," he whispered softly. Before I could process what he meant, I was shoved to the side back onto the ground again. I tried to sit up to spare myself from what I had assumed would be a painful beat down only to be pushed down.

My mouth opened to demand answers but half of my questions were clarified as Levi silenced me with a kiss. The needles in my chest shifted to a burning fire as my hands instantly found his face, pulling him closer. His own fingers slid into my hair and made me shiver. My heart beat rapidly as my breathing quickened.

I hadn't been expecting this. There had only been a few moments when I wondered whether my emotions were misplaced but now I was sure as I tilted my head to deepen the kiss. Levi hummed in response as the warmth from his face washed over mine. I clearly wasn't the only one enjoying the moment and it only made me love it all the more. My hands slid down to his waist as he began to press his body against me harsher.

"I'm kicking your ass tomorrow for getting dirt on my uniform," Levi whispered against my lips. A chuckle escaped my lips, surprising me with how quickly my anger had dissipated. The dark emotions of feeling inferior to the captain had nothing to do with him forcing me into that space but me not accepting the signs of admiration.

"I'm looking forward to it you bastard," I replied softly, pulling him in for another kiss. It definitely wasn't my imagination as I felt Levi smile against my lips. My face warmed as I grinned as well. A part of me still hated him for stealing my affection so aggressively but they do say enemies feel as passionately as lovers.

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