Connie x Reader

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"How did we manage to lose Eren?  Didn't he used to be the loudest out of all of us?" 
"I remember when he would pick a fight over the stupidest things." 
"Jean, you weren't any better." 
I let the voices of our group drown away with the curiosity I held for the surrounding area.  We had left behind the bustling city into a more calm field hoping to find where Eren and Mikasa had run off to.  It wasn't even till dark that we decided to try to find them. 
This place was easy to get distracted with so many new sights and people.  It did make me a little homesick for Paradis though.  I had to remind myself that we were in enemy territory but it was difficult when everything here drew you in. 
A tap on my shoulder made me snap away from my thoughts to realize that the group was farther ahead of me trudging up a hill where two familiar figures waved down from.  Guess we found the love birds.  I glanced at the guy that had shaken me from my daze to find Connie staring at me with a gentle gaze. 
"You seem a little distracted, are you alright?" he questioned in his concerned tone.  I cast him a bright smile that made his face pink and gaze to settle to the side bashfully.  My hand came up to squeeze his shoulder reassuringly. 
"Today has been absolutely wonderful and I'm so glad I get to share it with you Connie," I stated confidently.  His eyes shone bright as he smiled back at me, his hand raising to rest on my hand that cupped his shoulder.  Our stares began to morph into something more intimate when someone latched onto my back and broke the intensifying moment. 
"You guys are taking too long!  We found a huge place full of tents with amazing smelling food and nice people!" Sasha shouted excitedly while shaking my back.  Chuckling at her anticipation for food, I released Connie's shoulder to pry Sasha off my back.  Looking to the top of the small hill, I noticed the rest of the group waving their arms around to get our attention. 
"Sounds like fun but please stop wrinkling my coat.  This is the nicest outfit I own," I complained mockingly while straightening my collar.  She didn't even offer a pout as she grabbed both Connie's and my hand to drag us up the hill to rejoin the group. 
She hadn't been lying about there being tons of tents.  For as far as I could see were makeshift shelters with people mingling and trading an assortment of items.  A young boy and old man were leading my friends towards the elaborate maze of huts and so I followed with high hopes for a nice night. 


I had politely declined the drinks that were offered by the kind people and I was sure glad that I made that choice as I watched my clearly drunk friends make absolute fools of themselves.  The alcohol had worked pretty quickly and it wasn't long until I was entertained with the show taking place in front of me. 
I stretched out on my small pile of pillows as I watched Jean trying to explain to a really concentrated looking Armin that he in fact was not a horse.  Chuckling, I caught sight of Eren with a goofy smile stretched across his usually serious face.  Mikasa and Sasha were sitting with their backs together as they stared up at the ceiling of the tent. 
Before I could question where Connie was, I felt someone lean into my side.  My gaze shifted to take in the sight of him with his coat long gone and shirt with the top few buttons undone.  His face had an alcohol induced blush with his eyes half lidded and unfocused.  He clearly has had too much by the sharp scent of the drink on his breath. 
"Is this seat taken or is someone sitting here?" he whispered low.  I laughed at his pink expression which caused him to smile wide and his face to darken even further.  My hand went to run through his short hair, his eyes closing in bliss with a hum. 
"You're kinda cute when your drunk but hella dumb," I whispered back.  He laughed joyously with his arm coming up to wrap around my back and drag me towards him for a hug.  "Ooo, and clingy." 
He pushed his face into the crook of my neck, his other arm wrapping around me as well and locking me in his hold.  I sighed at his drunken personality, allowing my own arms to rest around his shoulders as I let my head lean on his. 
This was actually pretty comfortable but I knew that if one of us wasn't drunk then this would probably not be happening.  The realization made me feel a bit down, causing me to squeeze his shoulders lightly and rub my face against his short hair.  This could be the only chance I get to hold him close like this cause by morning he'll regret this. 
"You're doing that...that thing that you do again," he slurred against my neck causing goosebumps to prickle along my skin.  His breath was hot, my eyes shutting to focus on the feeling and not my thoughts.  He was right after all, I overthink too much and it was time to enjoy the moment. 
"Thanks Connie but it's hard sometimes," I mumbled against his head.  He pulled away from my neck to stare at me with those bright hazel eyes of his.  It was difficult to think when he stared at me like that.  Everything else drowned out with his carefully intimate gaze. 
"I love you," he stated out of the blue.  My eyes widened in shock at his declaration as my heart swelled in hope.  Still painfully aware that he was drunk though, he could've meant anything by that and so I kept my emotions in check. 
I've loved Connie for so long now it was ridiculous.  He was sweet and strong with a bright smile and always knew how to cheer me up.  He was the type to make the end of the world bearable.  I couldn't bring myself to confess though, even after all these years. 
Connie's hands released my back to cup my face gently.  I hadn't even realized the tears that were rolling down my face till he was there to brush them away.  Allowing myself to indulge a bit, I leaned into his touch and let my pain wash away with each gentle rub across my face. 
"I love you too," I whispered shakily, squeezing my eyes shut at the years old confession.  Softly crying, Connie wrapped his arms around my back again to cradle me against his chest.  My eyes began to blur as exhaustion hit me suddenly.  The warmth from my best friend lulled me to sleep, the sound of Connie's heartbeat resonating through my own chest.


Waking up warm and refreshed, I stretched my arms above my head with a yawn.  I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and shook my head gently as I sat up, the blanket that had been draped over me at one point sliding off my bedraggled form.  So much for keeping my outfit nice. 
"Good morning, everyone else is outside," a familiar voice stated.  My head snapped up to see Connie standing over me with my coat in his hands as the memories from last night flooded my brain.  I could practically feel myself becoming lost in my head but as usual, Connie was there to save me from myself. 
"Hey, wait!  Don't zone out yet, I need to talk to you!" he panicked, snapping his fingers in front of my face to grab my attention.  I couldn't look him in the eyes though, not with what I confessed sober the night before. 
He knelt down in front of me, laying my coat gently across my lap as he stared deep into my eyes but I still didn't even glance at him.  This feeling of shame felt so strong, all I wanted was for him to leave.  But he always knew how to cheer me up and so he stuck around stubbornly. 
"Whatever it is Connie, can't it wait?  I'm not really in the mood to talk," I mumbled with a frown.  Hands came up to gently hold my face, my eyes widening in shock with his very forward action.  He was obviously not under the influence and yet he leaned in to press a confident kiss against my lips. 
To say I was surprised was an understatement and yet I was far from disappointed.  It took only a moment of shock before my eyes closed and I found myself pushing towards him as well, my hands coming up to squeeze his shoulders. 
We both pulled away panting with warmth burning our faces.  He smiled first, goofy and bright as my own lips twitched into a wide beam.  My worrying for years seemed to be a waste when this was the final product. 
"I wasn't lying when I said I loved you last night.  I'm just pissed that I didn't wait to do it in a more romantic way," he whispered, his breath hitting my lips.  I leaned in again for another kiss which he happily obliged to return.  His fingers traced my waist with each second that passed. 
"I've been waiting forever for this, no matter how you confessed," I whispered back to him.  Sudden clapping from near us made me jump, my hold on Connie tightening in surprise as my head snapped in the direction of the noise.  My face heated even more at the sight of our friends now inside the tent with knowing smiles plastered across their happy faces. 
"It's about time, you two!  We've all been waiting forever for this but you both are so clueless," Sasha shouted excitedly through a mouthful of bread.  Connie let out a chuckle that caused my own laugh and soon everyone else's.  It seems that this was inevitable but I was grateful it happened sooner rather than later.  Our friends all smiled before launching to Connie and I to wrap us in a group hug.  Everything felt absolutely perfect and the future felt just a bit brighter.

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