Jean x Reader

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"Stay close!"  The command felt like a waste of breath.  Naturally we would all want to stay together in this hell though I didn't point that out.  There was too much stress for my snarkiness. 
The rhythm of my ODM gear was one of the few things to calm me, the other being the leadership of Jean.  He was in his element even as gunfire rained from every direction and death waited around all corners.  He hadn't hesitated to take the reins and guide our group through the fray. 
The smallest movements made my heart jump wildly and it wasn't long till a thin layer of sweat coated my face and rolled down my neck.  Jean slowed to a stop atop a roof looking over a majority of the action.  Up here though, it was quieter, like the eye of a storm.  I didn't bother scanning the area below us, instead focusing on Jean's expression as his jaw clenched and eyes narrowed. 
"We're splitting up into groups," he barked out with confidence.  I felt myself blanching at the idea.  Divvying our numbers didn't sound the safest but who was I to know? 
Jean's harsh gaze shifted over to me, probably picking up on my anxious expression.  His features softened the tiniest bit before he turned towards our comrades.  I was vaguely aware of him pointing and separating the group into smaller pairs but was jolted back to the hell of reality when his hand grasped my shoulder firmly. 
"What?" I mumbled in a daze.  I felt sick and suddenly incredibly doubtful of my skills.  I couldn't handle this, not when we were being attacked by everything and everyone it seemed.  Jean gave me a gentle shake before guiding me to kneel on the rooftop slowly.  My head shot around to find everyone else had already gone.  Probably off to their deaths. 
"It's bad out here.  I won't lie to you and say we'll make it because frankly, I don't know," Jean spoke softly.  I trembled under his hold at the facts and reality of it all.  He shook his head slightly, leaning in to where he was all I could see, the burning world fading behind his shoulders.  "But I'm not going to let you give up.  We've come too far together to throw it all away now." 
Tears pricked at my eyes no matter how hard I tried to hold them back.  Everything was too much and the world was spinning and we were running out of time.  I felt myself tilting to the side before Jean grabbed my hands and placed them on his shoulders for me to grab. 
"I can't do this.  I'm not like you, I can't keep a level head and everything is hitting me like a train right now," I mumbled anxiously.  Tears slid down my face at last, uncontrollable panic circulating in my veins.  "It's not fair Jean.  I thought we would have more time.  We finally had the chance for a future but now..." I trailed off, gesturing to everything crumbling around us. 
My stare dropped to the roofing under my knees, not wanting to look at Jean or anything else.  I let myself cry knowing that nothing truly mattered if I was to die soon anyway.  It wouldn't be too long before a soldier found us or a titan did. 
Strong arms pulled me in and I let him hold me.  My hands gripped his shoulders as I pushed my face against Jean's torso, his head resting on mine gently.  He held me firmly as if he didn't want to let me go again and I allowed myself the thought of what a future spent with him would look like. 
A small smile pulled at my lips through the tears at a vision of gentle affection and sweet gestures exchanged.  I've always admired Jean and he knew it too.  It was why we became so close but our lifestyle made a proper relationship out of reach.  In another circumstance, we would've been lovers but now we might not even make it through today as friends. 
"I love you," I whispered, no longer caring to cross our imaginary boundary.  Our unspoken agreement didn't cover the end of the world clause.  Anything was up for grabs then. 
Jean tensed slightly before pulling away to look at me.  I became suddenly nervous that I messed up but when he leaned in to press a quick kiss to my lips that thought dissipated. 
"I love you too," he whispered back.  My heart swelled with short lived happiness but there was a high chance that none of this would matter by the end of the day.  I pulled Jean in for another kiss with the realization that this could be our last one.


"Jean, do you think we have a chance?"  I lay on my back, staring up at the night sky and admiring the starlight.  The flames of the fire cast a warm heat along my side leaving my other side to be warmed by Jean's body. 
"What do you mean by that?" he questioned, glancing at me.  I stared back, my hand carefully reaching for his to intertwine our fingers.  He gave my hand a squeeze before using his thumb to trace the back of it smoothly.  It seemed to be a night where indulging in each other was acceptable but it wouldn't last till morning. 
"I think you know what I mean."  He averted his eyes to our joined hands, giving a nod of acknowledgment.  "It might sound strange but I miss a life I don't even have yet." 
Jean perked up at that, lifting himself onto his elbows to lean over me.  His gentle brown eyes watched me with curiosity, the corner of his lips twitching as if he wanted to smile. 
"I think that one day I'll be the happiest guy in the world because of you," he whispered.  I beamed up at him, the idea a beautiful fantasy. 

One day. 

He said one day. 

We have to make it.

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