Armin x Reader

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The warmth against my chest threatened to lull me back to sleep but the sunlight washing across my face made my eyes squint open. The brightness blinded me for a few seconds as I shook the sleep from my head. Everything felt dreamlike and wispy as I attempted to sit up to find that I couldn't. Arms were thrown around my shoulders, keeping me under the covers.

Glancing down, my face heated at the sight of Armin cuddling into my chest fast asleep. Memories of our snuggling session from the night before rushed back to me along with the realization of what day it was.

Brushing off the date, I turned my attention to running my hands through his golden hair gently. He let out a small hum but didn't stir from his sleep, only nuzzling closer to me. Chuckling quietly, I curled my arms around his torso to pull him nearer. He let out a groan though he still didn't wake.

I knew I had no chance of falling back asleep but I didn't want to wake the sleeping beauty by my side just yet. Settling on cuddling, I let my mind wander. It was my first birthday with Armin and I hadn't let him know what day it was. There was a chance that he'd go all day without knowing and likely get angry at me later on once he found out but I didn't plan on telling him myself. It wasn't too important either and surely nothing to cause him worry or stress over. This was already good enough for me so why change it?

One of Armin's legs stretched to rest in between mine along with a small yawn from him. Watching him with a warm smile, his eyelids fluttered open to reveal his beautiful ocean eyes. It took him a second to focus on me but when he did he beamed with a light blush coating his face.

"Good morning," he whispered cheerily. He leaned up to press a kiss to my lips, the action taking me by pleasant surprise. He was usually never the one to initiate affection first so this was a change. Pulling away with a crimson blush, he shyly glanced away from me.

"Good morning to you as well but what was that for?" I chuckled as I pressed another kiss to his forehead. His face brightened as he rolled away from me and out of the covers. Sitting up in curiosity, I watched as Armin ran out of the room, leaving me to wonder what was going on.

With nothing else to do as I waited for Armin to return, I got out of bed to dress for the day. Scavenging through the closet, I grabbed a simple flannel with black jeans. I causally got dressed as I covered up my bare chest and changed out of my sweats.

As I was about to button my flannel, Armin ran back in with a small box in his hands. His face erupted in another blush as his eyes caught sight of my torso under my unbuttoned shirt. Warmth crept up my neck at his attention before he shook his head while clearing his throat.

"This is for you," he mumbled shyly, stretching his hand out to give me the box. A tingly sensation spread across my chest at what this could mean although it didn't make sense. I've never told him so what was this? Taking the gift, I felt myself tear up even before he said it. "Happy Birthday!"

Not even unwrapping the present, my hand came up to swipe at my eyes. Armin was immediately in my arms, his hands holding my face tenderly as he attempted to brush away the tears that slid down my face. I wasn't even entirely sure why I was crying. It could've been that I was so grateful for a lover like Armin, it could've been the fact that he had cared about me enough to not only find out my birthday but to give me a gift as well. My heart swelled as I buried my face against his neck.

"You haven't even opened the present yet!" he exclaimed with a laugh. I chuckled as well, pulling away to wipe my eyes again. Holding up the gift, I tore away the wrapping paper and opened the box to find a ring. It was a simple black band with a bright blue gem placed in the middle. Ocean blue.

"I love you so much Armin, this is amazing! Thank you," I smiled before slipping on the ring and pulling Armin back into my embrace. He laughed out as I peppered his face with kisses, his hands coming up to gently push against my chest. I noticed a glint from his fingers that made me pause my affection to grab his hand and stare at it. My gift suddenly became five times better at the sight of a matching ring on Armin's finger.

"Jesus Christ you're perfect," I swooned before pulling him in for a deep kiss that left him leaning on me for support. We both smiled into the kiss, not able to contain our unrivaled happiness. Pulling away, that left one question unanswered. "Now how did you know it was my birthday today?"

Armin took a second to collect his breath before smiling shyly away from me. His expression looked guilty as he slid his hands up my chest to rest on my shoulders. The movement made me shiver which caught his attention.

"I kept bugging one of your friends to tell me," he mumbled quietly. Rolling my eyes at his pointless flustering, I pressed another kiss to his lips. Holding his hand in mine, I couldn't help but admire how our rings looked together. They reminded me briefly of engagement rings. The thought cast a warm feeling spreading throughout my whole body. One day.

"Thank you so much Armin. This has already been the best birthday ever," I stated with a smile. And it was only the beginning. I still had a whole day to spend with my loving boyfriend and I knew that it wouldn't disappoint.

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