Armin x Reader

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Why did love hurt so much? I knew I was in love with Armin and I knew he loved me. There was no doubt about that when we laid in bed at night, side by side and wrapped in each other's embrace. There wasn't any denying that I would lay down my life for him, that I would kill for another kiss from his soft lips. He meant everything to me and I suppose that scared me. In fact, it terrified me.

I felt myself gasping for air as I jolted upright in bed, reaching out frantically for something that wasn't there. My heartbeat thundered in my chest like the footfalls of a titan. My eyes were wide eyed and bloodshot as I swiveled my head around in search of the wide jaws of the beast that had been coming right for us. When the panic dulled though, I realized that it was only another nightmare.

"Are you alright, y/n?" a soft voice mumbled out sleepily, a gentle hand resting on my arm in concern. My gaze dropped to the space beside me to find Armin looking up at me with his beautiful ocean eyes. I sighed gently before laying myself back down to pull Armin back into my arms. He eagerly cuddled up against my chest, leaning in to kiss me slowly. He knew exactly how to calm me down from my nightmares every time and it never failed.

"I'll be fine. Thank you, my love," I whispered against his lips. My hands slipped under his shirt to rub his back as he shivered under my touch. I could feel his face heating up against my skin and sure enough, when I pulled away he had a bright blush along his features. Being called my love always made him flustered and it made me smile every time. He was perfect in every way, someone made to be loved by me as I was made to be loved by him.

"It was the same nightmare again, wasn't it? We need to find a solution for this y/n or you're only going to get more sleep deprived. You need to be rested for the battlefield," Armin explained quietly as his fingers slipped into my hair, rubbing my scalp. I practically melted at the touch, closing my eyes in bliss and letting myself internalize the small moments like this. They never lasted long and would one day die along with us.

I sighed, pressing my forehead to Armin's lovingly. He pecked my nose, my fingers squeezing his hips gently in response. When his leg wrapped with mine, my mind started to slip past his concern and away from all of this anxiety to a more comfortable place I liked to retreat to when I couldn't handle things.

"Y/n, wait! We need to talk about this! This is important, I can't lose you," Armin choked out, his hands reaching for my shoulders as I pulled his legs around my hips. My smile slipped into a disappointed frown, the grayness of this familiar emotion seeping into my chest to chase the passion away. Armin was my beam of light through this dark feeling but in order to clear away the fog, I had to listen to him even if it was something I didn't want to hear at the moment.

I sat up abruptly, instantly breaking the urge to push things any further. By the look on Armin's face, he didn't want anything physical when we had this talk and I would respect that even though it was hurting to pull away. The swirl of anxiety curled tighter around my rib cage as I remembered the vision of the titan's teeth glaring in the sunlight as it reached Armin. The worst kinds of fears were ones that were embedded with truth.

"You're not going to lose me, Armin. The best thing I can do right now for the nightmares is to tough them out. You can't make that fear go away with a talk," I mumbled, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. A breath of fresh air sounded good right now and I couldn't stand to see the look on Armin's face. His concern for me was only making me feel worse. I wasn't the only one scared here and yet I wasn't in any shape to try to console Armin for his own anxieties and it felt awful.

As I pushed myself onto my feet, arms latched around my chest as Armin pushed himself against my back. His heartbeat thudded against my spine as he pressed his face to my neck. The kiss he left on my nape made me tremble, goosebumps rising on the skin he had touched. When he grazed his teeth along my shoulder, I felt myself relax with the contact.

"We're going to find a way to fix this in the morning. I promise I won't stop trying to help you, y/n," Armin whispered against my neck. His fingers trailed up my chest to the top button of my nightshirt where he pulled it apart, moving down to undo each small clasp. "For now, can I distract you?"

"Yes," I managed to breathe out, turning around to pull Armin in closer to me by his hips. He pressed his lips to mine with our fingers tangling in each other's hair. He was careful with me, slowly pulling me back down onto the bed to hold myself over him. His blond hair was clasped in one hand, the other one pulling away his shirt to leave gentle bites on his collarbone. Each gasp he made chased away the fear, the anxiety a little more. For now, I could forget what the outside world held for us and focus on what I could provide for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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