Reiner x Reader

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"That son of a bitch is back?!"  I didn't even need to look where Jean was pointing to know exactly who it was.  Only Reiner would receive such a nickname from Jean.  I didn't want to turn around, didn't want to acknowledge that he was joining the fight.  He was my enemy and I still haven't come to terms with it. 
A loud crash settled over the already booming atmosphere, dragging my hesitant attention to the Armored Titan.  Of course he would be here now as if my temper wasn't already short enough. 
I double checked the gas in my ODM gear just to be sure before following Jean to who knows where.  There was too much to be done and yet nothing we could do.  People were panicking, dying and killing all in one confused mess.  I wasn't sure whether my job was to save survivors, stop Eren, stop Zeke, blow up Marleyans or find Reiner and give him a piece of my mind. 
There was no plan if Jean was any indication and the lines of morals were blurring right before my eyes.  How can you justify all of this violence?  It seemed impossible to even believe let alone support.  Gunfire rained down from the skys with rapid fire bursts that hurt my ears. 
Through it all, my stare was transfixed on one titan.  Reiner had left me with millions of questions and no answers.  It had felt like we had a whole world in our hands, that we could be unstoppable but in hindsight it sounded like a childish promise.  I hadn't known my admiration was for a murderer. 
"Hey watch out!"  Jean slammed into my side as bullets shot where my feet once were.  I cursed as we fell through a window to hide.  My heartbeat leapt into my throat at the panic that was finally beginning to settle in.  "You need to focus and we need a plan," Jean grunted. 
He was right of course but there wasn't much I could think of at the moment that involved not dying.  A shock wave made the building tremble, dust and particles swirling into the air.  The gunfire above us had stopped, the men most likely dead.  An ear splitting shriek cut through the sounds of war. 
"I'm going to Reiner," I blurted out.  The scream was from the Armored Titan, I knew it in my bones despite the hate I held for myself that I was so sure.  Jean visibly didn't like that idea.  A frown pulled at his lips but I already had my mind made up and there was no changing it.  If we left him alone he'd end up either killing Eren or more of our comrades, or both. 
"You sure old feelings aren't going to get in the way?" Jean sighed.  Heat crept up my neck at his, somewhat false, implication.  We were never more than friends despite my old admiration and friendly affection towards him.  It was obviously only one sided considering how things ended up between us. 
"Fuck you Jean," I gritted out.  He managed a small smile before his hand reached to squeeze my shoulder firmly, our somewhat brotherly bond stronger than ever.  I met his stare with all the determination I could summon.  "Don't die," I ordered. 
"And you as well," he stated.  We gave each other brief nods and silent goodbyes before I was out the window and once again into the fray.  My mind instantly zoned in on the sound of clashing to see the Attack and Armored Titan desperately fighting.  My loyalty was ripped apart.  Neither of them were right.  Attacking Paradis is wrong but killing the rest of the world is worse. 
I felt helpless watching Eren and Reiner practically tear each other apart.  What could I do to stop two giant ass titans?  I circled them, painfully aware of the presence of Zeke as well threatening to make my comrades monsters.  There wasn't much to do but hope someone would come to their senses. 
A guttural scream echoed through the sounds of war, nearly freezing me mid jump.  Bright sparks exploded in so many places, I thought my eyes would burn.  God, please no.  I watched with a renewed helplessness as many of my peers transformed into wisps of steam, in their place standing hellish titans.  Tears pricked at my eyes at the sight.  I thought we left this nightmare behind.  I said a silent prayer before diving in with a new purpose. 
My swords struck out at the napes of my former higher ups, killing any titan in my path with a new anger.  Blood coated my body with each hit, another tear shed with each kill.  The Attack Titan let out another terrible scream paired with an earth trembling rumble from behind me that drew my attention back to my original goal.  I looked over my shoulder to find the Beast Titan laying in a broken and steaming pile at the base of the wall.  Good riddance.
I finally managed to reach Reiner and Eren but I was already too late to fix the situation.  Eren was long gone, already running towards the corpse of Zeke's titan with no way for me to reach him.  I was too distracted by the bloodied and broken form of the Armored Titan, a pure titan gnawing on his nape.  My swords were slick in my bloodied hands but I held firm.  Reiner wasn't allowed to die without my permission.  There was too much I needed to say to him. 
"Reiner!  You need to get out of there," I yelled desperately hoping he could hear me.  Though that idea didn't sound the best.  If he left the safety of his nape, the titan would devour him.  I took a closer look at the creature.  He looked oddly familiar, and then it clicked. 
"Falco is that you?"  The poor kid had been transformed.  I took a moment to curse out Zeke.  There was no way I could kill the kid, even if he was a bloodthirsty nightmare now.  It didn't seem to matter though as the titan stopped its chomping to turn away.  I couldn't see what had distracted him but I took the opportunity to dive in towards the Armored Titan.  I made quick work of the nape, carefully cutting a slit into the thick skin under the heavy plating. 
"Reiner!  Hurry up you slow ass," I yelled out.  I managed to pry open the nape just enough to see darkness inside.  There was a moment of stillness that made me wonder if I made a bad decision before a hand reached out.  A victorious laugh erupted from me as I grabbed the hand firmly, pulling as hard as I could. 
The man that crawled out had changed in the years we've been apart.  Stubble dotted his sharp jaw, his features harsher with eyes duller and more worn.  Sadness gripped me momentarily at the sight of him.  He looked so lost and beat down.  Blood seeped from his side, staining his uniform but as I hoped for his wound to heal by itself it didn't.  He didn't move or say a word. 
"Reiner?" I hesitantly called.  His arms reached out and I flinched as he pulled me to him.  I crashed into his chest in the biggest embrace I've ever experienced.  His grip on me was firm like he would never let me go again and I allowed myself a moment to just listen to his erratic heartbeat and pretend that everything was fine. 
After years, I had hoped my feelings would die out, that the betrayal would erase any other doubts but being here with him and given time to realize where he came from, it seemed my emotions never disappeared.  The tears staining the collar of my uniform told me Reiner may have suffered this realization even more than me.  My hands reached his face reassuringly. 
"Whatever this is I need it to wait till we make it out," I frowned.  As much as I wanted to pretend the world wasn't burning down around me, it was and no amount of Reiner was going to take away that fact.  He was a good distraction, yes, but it wouldn't matter if we died here. 
I took another glance at his wound where a minimal amount of steam circled.  That was not a good sign.  I stood, my arm stretching under Reiner's arm to brace him to stand.  He staggered a bit but didn't fight me as we trudged through the street before he broke the silence. 
"You've been driving me mad for years now."  I flinched at the gruff voice of Reiner.  Seriously, this glow up wasn't fair at all.  Sorry Jean, I lied but how could I resist him?  I tilted my head in confusion at his statement. 
"How have I managed to do that from all the way over here?" I questioned angrily.  Was he seriously blaming me for ruining his life?  The bastard might still be a prick after all.  A pissed off frown pulled my lips down but instantly changed to a flustered smile as he looked at me before speaking again. 
"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since I left."

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