Annie x Reader (Part 2)

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I do believe a request was made and so I have delivered @Yuk_is_Gae .


By the time I had gathered enough strength to stagger to my feet the sun had already begun to set and dinner was probably already over. Bertholdt and Reiner had offered to help me inside but I dismissed them with a casual wave. This was my mess and I'd deal with it on my own.

Plus, if I was lucky, Annie would be feeling some guilt by the time I hauled myself inside, maybe even try to make it up to me. A swooning smile spread across my face at the idea. With newfound motivation, I began my painful trudge to the dinner hall in search of the beautiful blonde and hopefully some food.


There was no one here. Dinner had clearly been long gone without a single crumb leftover to even taste. Regret for my poorly timed provocation seeped in along with the pain from my bruised chest. She had one hell of a kick after all but damn.

I dropped gloomily into a seat, my head falling to rest on the table. Dragging myself to my room was going to be painfully slow...and painful in general. I let out a disappointed sigh at the idea. It was worth it to see Annie laugh though. I'd allow myself loads of pain if it put a smile on her face.

"What's that grin for?" a familiar voice whispered in my ear. I whirled around, happiness drowning out the stab of discomfort from the sudden action. There stood the subject of my thoughts, a sly smirk on her face and a sack spinning in her hand.

"I was just thinking about you, beautiful," I cooed happily. I knew how much she secretly loved the mushy gushy affection despite her tough outer shell. She only rolled her eyes at me before sliding into the spot beside me, her hands pulling out a piece of bread. I was practically salivating at the sight as she offered the piece to me nonchalantly.

"It was the last roll I could find. Potato girl ate the rest," she muttered, her hand moving in the sack to pull out a small casing of an unknown substance.

She pushed my shoulder firmly, urging me to turn towards her as I straddled the bench in slight confusion. I nearly jumped when her fingers went to the front of my uniform, tearing off the jacket without a second thought. Choking on the roll, Annie didn't even bother to unbutton my shirt instead pulling up the fabric to expose my chest to her. Whether from my flustered state or my coughing fit, heat washed over my face, a nervous smile tugging at my lips.

"What are you doing?!" I rasped out hoarsely, my throat sore from choking. Scenarios in which someone walked in on us both terrified me and filled me with pride. Annie could only be like this with me. You wouldn't catch her lifting up anyone else's shirts for whatever reason. When she opened the small casing it started to make sense though, the cream giving off a flowery scent.

"That bruise on your chest is going to be one hell of a bitch if you don't treat it," she frowned. I nodded in understanding, slightly shocked that she went out of her way to find the ointment just for me. I smirked at her, my usual snarkiness about to get my ass whooped again.

"Yeah, that wouldn't work out cause I can only have one bit—", I didn't finish as Annie landed a punch to my chest making me double over in pain, more coughs clawing up my throat. "Okay, I deserve that."

She scoffed with a shake of her head as she dipped her fingers into the cream, smearing the ointment onto my bare skin. Goosebumps traveled up my skin at the chilled contact and closeness of Annie.

I glanced down at her pale fingers massaging the ointment into my skin, the bruise aching with each push. The coolness of the cream was relaxing, urging my muscles to relax. I couldn't help the satisfied groan that sounded from me. Captain Levi would kill us if he walked in. The thought made me chuckle softly.

"Stop moving," Annie snapped. My body stilled at the command, knowing she was trying to make it up to me after kicking me so harshly. In a way this was an apology, just without her having to sacrifice her dignity.

"You're forgiven," I whispered. She looked up at me through her lashes, making me swoon. She was an absolute jewel and my love for her knew no bounds. Even when she was a little tough and cold hearted at times, I knew she cared for me in the end.

"I love you, dumbass," she mumbled but I had heard it. I wondered if she could feel my heart's rapid beating, if she took delight in the sensation knowing that she had caused it. My hand reached up to the stray strands of hair in her face, brushing them behind her ear lovingly. I guided her face to mine, her eyes already closing in anticipation. Despite her personality, her kisses were soft and slow. She never rushed through the affection, instead slowing it down to passionate exchanges.

"I love you too, Annie," I whispered delicately. She leaned in once again with a sharp intake of breath. Little did she know it'd be the only breath she'd be able to take for a while. I was demanding another way for her to apologize and I think she'll enjoy paying up.

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