Niccolo x Reader

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I was just walking down the hallway when a tempting smell drew me in.  The scent of fresh food wafted through the air as my direction changed to follow the alluring call. 
The kitchen wasn't too far, just a quick trip down the stairs and to the basement where I was met with a splendid wave of fragrance that washed through all of my senses.  Taking a deep inhale, I could practically taste the flavors in the air. 
My stomach rumbled in reply as my eyes scanned the kitchen to find a certain blonde boy at the stove.  He seemed deep in concentration, unaware of my presence as he leaned over a pot.  Steam curled over the boiling water, framing him in a dramatic flare.  Sneaking up behind him, I wrapped my arms around his torso making him tense up. 
"Hey Nicky, whatcha making?" I asked as I leaned around his shoulder to try to sneak a peek at what was cooking in the pot.  Niccolo quickly slapped a lid over the dish, casting me a smirk as I frowned. 
"I'm not telling you.  You're going to have to wait till it's finished," he declared with a teasing lift of his eyebrow.  I released his torso, crossing my arms in a huff.  He only hummed as he turned to the counter where an assortment of vegetables waited. 
Sighing I slid onto a nearby bar stool to watch him.  I had nothing better to do with my day anyway.  Niccolo lifted a large knife, smiling sinisterly at me before we both ended up bursting into laughter.  He smiled to himself as he began quickly and precisely chopping up a carrot. 
It was like everything else faded away when he was cooking, his mind clearly wandering.  Deciding to keep quiet and let him enjoy himself, I settled on admiring his purposeful movements.  Every action he made was passionate and precise, his emotion guiding him more than his head it seemed. 
My eyes traveled from his sleek hands all the way up to his expression of concentration.  He looked so calm and content, his lips making a relaxed smile and his brown eyes focused on his task.  Everything about him portrayed gentleness. 
"You're pretty attractive when peeling potatoes," I sighed, resting my head on my arms across the countertop to gaze at him.  His eyes flicked to me briefly as he chuckled.  Passing me some cut up cucumbers, he urged me to snack a bit which I accepted. 
"I don't know what you're talking about.  I'm attractive all the time," he proclaimed with a haughty lift of his chin.  His attention focused back onto preparing some type of sauce for his mystery dish.  Nibbling on my vegetables, I couldn't help anticipating the full entree. 
"True that, you sly bastard," I huffed with an eye roll.  He smirked, pausing his whisking to make his way towards me.  I perked up as he used one of his hands to lift my chin to look his way.  He seemed to scan my face before chuckling again. 
"Aww, does the poor prince want attention?  Is that what this sulking is about?" he whispered close to my ear.  I spun in the barstool to face him full on.  His body was hovering over me, his stare teasing with a hidden layer of care underneath. 
"That's cute of you to presume but I'm honestly so hungry and whatever you're making smells too good to leave behind," I cheerily replied as he frowned at my response.  Laughing at his childish pout, I grabbed his collar to pull him close.  The blush coating his face made my own face warm as I pressed a quick peck to his nose. 
"You missed.  You're no fun at all," he groaned before leaning in further to kiss my lips.  Swooning, my hands gripped his shoulders to steady myself, his own arms wrapping around my torso firmly.  We gently pushed against each other before Niccolo tilted his head slightly, causing my face to heat even more as my mind blanked. 
"Not bad for an Eldian," he whispered as he pulled away.  I rolled my eyes, punching his shoulder making him wince.  He definitely knew how to ruin a mood.  A new smell wafted through the air along with the sight of black smoke, causing Niccolo to turn away briskly to the pot forgotten on the stove. 
"Hey Marlyen, I think your dish is burning," I called out to him as he quickly retrieved the pot away from the flames.  Smoke curled up and through the air as curiosity guided me to get a closer look.  Peering over Niccolo's shoulder, it didn't look so good.  Whatever he had been trying to make was nothing but a charred carcass now. 
"Damn it," he groaned, tossing the pot to the side impatiently.  He instantly spun around to glare at me.  He pointed an accusatory finger in my direction.  "You distracted me."  Scoffing, I took a step back from him and his failed entree. 
"Are you saying it's my fault?" I questioned incredulously.  The audacity of this guy.  He stalked towards me, his hands snatching my wrists and instantly making me nervous.  He surprised me even further when his lips met mine again.  I hummed in curiosity into the kiss but began to lose myself to the gesture.  He did the stupidly effective tilt of his head that pulled us closer together, sending my mind once again to that dreamy space. 
"You're going to make it up to me," he whispered against my lips.  My eyes widened as I was suddenly picked up and placed on the counter top, Niccolo's strength as a past soldier showing through.  His mouth found mine again but instead of his persistent press, he was more gentle and sweet.  His chest pressed against my stomach as he stood between my legs, my face leaning down to reach him as my hands gently held his face to mine.  I had to remind myself to ruin more of his entrees later.

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