Jean x Reader

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"You're so god damn annoying!"  My arms only squeezed his neck harder.  Every shout from him was full of pleasure filled pain.  He might as well hate me.  No matter, he can't shake me off despite every poison filled word. 
"I'm only annoying for you, asshole," I gritted out.  My teeth were beginning to hurt with how much they were clenching.  Jean squirmed from my hold but I didn't budge.  My grip was known to be nearly inescapable, he should've moved faster if he didn't want to be caught. 
Training used to be so much fun.  Times like these were my most fondest memories, though lately Jean's been changing my mind.  We lay in a tangle covered in dirt, blood and sweat.  I took training seriously as everyone knew.  This was when it mattered because if you couldn't do it during practice there would be no way to do it when it became life or death. 
My attacks are quick and fierce with no mercy.  I can play dirty and will, as Jean has found out.  No one prohibited dirt in the face and so I put it to use.  Brown streaks were smeared on his face, mixing with his sweat.  I knew it was a low blow but something about Jean unnerved me when he had run at me full force.  He wasn't weak but I didn't know him to be the strongest either.  I hadn't been prepared for a sneak side attack from point blank range. 
"If you stop squirming and yield I'll let you go," I muttered.  The captain was close by and watching so I couldn't just let him go.  It was a test that I was determined not to fail, not even if it helped Jean.  The asshole needed to be taught a lesson anyway.  He has recently been running his mouth too often.  He jolted in my hold but I pulled back against him. 
"Let me the hell alone," he choked out.  His fist came loose from my grip, shooting up towards my face.  I released some tension from his head, using my free hand to clench his shoulder and yank sharply.  He let out a yell as I flipped his body around.  Now sitting on his back, I pressed his face into the ground while stretching one of his arms backwards.  His shoulder was now strained at a painful angle, not enough to break it yet but easy to do so if necessary.  I lowered my lips down to his ear teasingly. 
"You should've just kept still," I whispered with a smirk.  He craned his neck just enough to send me a glare from the corner of his eye.  Blood flowed from his nose making me feel the tiniest pinch of guilt.  His poor face was bruised as well. 
"Screw you."  My smirk faded into a bitter frown.  I released him completely, quickly standing to give him one last kick in his side before turning around to leave.  I already made my point to both the captain and Jean.  There was no more of a need for me there.  I didn't look back to see if Jean had stood on his own yet.  He could rot there for all I cared. 
I strode across the courtyard in a blaze of fury.  Only Jean could get me this riled up and everyone knew it.  Honestly it was almost embarrassing how his words got to me.  Right as I was turning the corner to sneak a snack in the kitchen, someone yanked on my uniform causing me to tumble backwards.  Strong hands shoved me into the wall, my head snapping back to hit the bricks.  I hissed at the pain with a glare at my attacker. 
"I'm not done with you, bastard," Jean sneered.  I scowled at him, instantly taking notice of the blood dripping down his chin and on his shirt. I hadn't hit him that hard, had I?  My hands tried to pry his fingers off of me with little luck.  His grip was like iron, sending a jolt of panic through me.  This wasn't supposed to happen. 
"Knock it off Jean, we're not even out in the courtyard anymore," my voice wavered slightly.  I bit my tongue to keep the panic down.  No one was around to witness if something were to happen.  The thought that I was alone with Jean sent jolts of anxiousness down my spine. 
"I'm sick and tired of you treating me like shit," he growled out.  My mind spun with the thought.  A sharp laugh echoed around us and it took me a second to realize it had come from me.  More chuckles escaped me at the look of pissed off confusion from Jean.  His grip tightened, nearly choking me with my own collar. 
"You get what you give, Horseface."  A quick punch connected against my jaw.  My head snapped to the side, a smirk pulling at my lips.  My glare connected with Jean's, a thousand fires seething between us.  "Cute," I mumbled before striking out with my own fist.  It connected directly with his cheekbone.  He let out a groan, his hold on me loosening just enough for me to wriggle away. 
Before I could think to run away, my wrists were yanked back and I found myself spun around.  He didn't hesitate to shove my face into the wall, his chest shoving against my back, caging me in. 
"It's annoying how much you bother me," he rasped into my ear.  Goosebumps prickled along my skin against my will.  A drop of sweat rolled down my neck as Jean's breath fanned across me. 
"I hate you too, Jean," I whispered.  Jean's heartbeat picked up considerably against my back revealing certain things I bet he thought were secret.  He opened his mouth to make a retort when he was cut off. 
"Do I need to remind you two that you should be training?" the gruff voice of Captain Levi drawled out.  Jean instantly released me from my grip, practically jumping away from me.  "Keep it in the bedroom, I don't want to see it."  The statement brought a blush to Jean's face as a heat crept up my neck. 
Before either of us could stammer an excuse, Levi was already gone and grumbling.  I gave one last flustered glare to Jean before running off.  He had only stared at me in shock, a bright red hue dusting his cheeks.

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