Reiner x Reader

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"How could you?" My question was silent, barely over a whisper but the tenseness in his shoulders indicated he had heard me. I was in a state of shock, my mind desperately trying to construct a reasonable explanation that wasn't at the cost of my dignity and happiness. Was I so naive I couldn't see the truth?

I couldn't look Bertholdt in the eye let alone even glance at Reiner, the man I once called a friend. The blonde was frozen, most likely trying to think up some lie to spin for me. A lie that this was all a joke, that he wasn't the Armored Titan and I was tied up in a tree with unconscious Eren and Ymir because they thought it would be a funny prank we could laugh about later. I wasn't laughing, this wasn't a joke.

"Please, give me a chance to explain," he gruffly pleaded. I watched from the corner of my eye as his blurry figure moved towards me, arm stretched out in my direction and getting closer.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I snapped with a jolt. My body fell with a lack of balance due to my hands being tied behind my back. There was a brief moment of terror as I kept sliding towards the edge of the branch, death waiting down at the bottom of the tree. Bertholdt stepped in quickly, snatching me and shoving me in the direction of Reiner. He gripped my arms as I slammed into his chest, instantly wishing I had just fallen to my death instead. Being in his arms was too painful.

I thrashed, a desperate attempt at getting him away from me. He only held me tighter, eventually giving up on my stubborn movements and settling for pushing me down in a tackling position, my face and chest being pushed into the bark. My body went limp as his weight held me in place. There would be no escaping.

"God damn it, stop moving and listen to me!" Reiner growled. My body still trembled with adrenaline, the betrayal from him almost a physical pain. Anger and hurt bubbled up till I couldn't breathe, tears threatening to spill.

"I won't listen to anything you have to say!" I nearly screamed. Reiner tensed, his hold loosening only slightly at my tone. I wanted nothing more than to curl up and wilt away for the rest of eternity if it meant I didn't have to be here knowing what I now know.

"Just tell me. Was all of it a lie, Reiner?" He didn't respond and I couldn't see him with him on my back. "Did you really fake everything? Every word? Every promise?" I mumbled. Tears began to spill unwillingly down my face as my words carried on. "Was I so worthless and naive you could fake our entire friendship without batting an eye? Am I that stupid to have trusted you?" I was sobbing now, unable to continue my rant through trembling breaths.

Everything hurt, both physically and emotionally. If I was smarter, wiser, I could've seen the signs of a liar before I grew attached. I could've avoided even approaching such a monster let alone befriend one. The weight on my back lifted knowing I was too exhausted and spent to move again. My trembling was the only movement I made considering I didn't have control over it.

"He doesn't look good, Reiner," Bertholdt muttered. I squeezed my eyes shut as if I could tune out the world. I wanted to go home, I wanted everything to go back to what it was. Reiner wouldn't be a traitor and we would spar together like usual, hang out on breaks and occasionally sneak out at night to watch the sky. Another round of shivers jolted through me.

A large hand gently pressed against my trembling back but I couldn't find the care to fight against Reiner anymore. It didn't matter what I did at this point, once again my life shifted beyond recognition and I found myself broken down.

"You need to calm down, you're hurting yourself," he suggested tenderly. I knew he was right considering the dull ache spreading through my tense muscles, though I didn't appreciate his concerned tone. He had no right to be concerned over me. I was no longer his problem.

"Please, I can't lose you too!" he barked out. The sound surprised me, my body jolting out of fear. His hands latched onto my shoulders, heaving me up to my knees. I barely had time to respond as his arms wound around my chest, his face pushing against my neck desperately. I felt his heartbeat against my back, rapid and quick.

"Reiner, it hurts," I mumbled half heartedly. He only held me tighter against him. I didn't move as his tears stained the collar of my uniform, my own trailing down my face. The trembling had subsided momentarily thankfully. My body was limp and exhausted in Reiner's hold.

Everything in me wanted to scream at him, to hate him but above it all I knew that I couldn't. After everything he's done, to my home, to my friends, to me, I couldn't help but feel pain for a future we couldn't have. He would forever be hunted and I'd forever be haunted.

I turned my head to face Reiner. He lifted his head from my neck to watch me. Without any hands or words to express myself, I leaned forward. The kiss was stained with tears and terribly tragic for all it was worth. Reiner brought his hands to cup my face carefully. It was ironic how a monster could be so gentle. I pulled away slowly, the emotional pain still there but appeased for a moment.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Reiner cried softly. He held me to him and I let him. It didn't matter. After today, there was a chance Reiner or I would be dead. Even if we weren't and somehow avoided the survey corps, there was no fixing what was doomed to be broken from the beginning. I savored my final moments with Reiner, a tear stained smile on my face till the very end.

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