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The second I step inside the interrogation room, Bella runs full speed and flings herself into my legs.

"E-Eli, said I-I'm not fiskated, b-but I am!"

I'm completely confused by what she's saying, but glare at Eli anyway because I know he's the cause of her upset.

"What did you say?" I ask him in a low tone.

Elliot sighs and leans back in his seat. "Told ya," he mutters to the detective sitting beside him who wisely presses his lips together to avoid smirking.

"She wanted to make a plane and all I said was the way they have to be folded is sophisticated. She asked if she was sophisticated and I said no, then she asked what it meant and I said it means something like fancy."

"SEE!!" Bella screeches. "I am too fiskated!! A-and I'm fancy a'cuz my dress sparkles!"

I pick her up and sway her side to side. "I know, it's a beautiful, sparkly dress, Bella. Eli didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I promise he didn't mean to, right Eli?"

The little jerk merely rolls his eyes at me.

"Right, Elliot?" I ask again, more pointedly.

Luca is watching our interactions closely. As the oldest, I've had a lot of experience playing mediator between my two younger siblings, but I can tell he knows I've played the role of 'mom', far too often.

When Elliot's only response to me is to cross his arms over his chest in annoyance, I can feel exasperation building in my chest.

Luca clears his throat, which immediately draws Elliot's eyes to him. If he's feeling unsure of stepping in, it doesn't show because he silently tilts his head toward Bella anyway. Elliot rolls his eyes once again, but to my surprise, he relents with a heavy sigh and apology.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, Bella. I'm sorry."

With a cherubic pout, Bella wiggles in my arms indicating she wants to be put down. She walks up to her older brother and promptly pinches his arm.

"Hey!" Eli hisses and rubs the stinging spot.

"Bella Lucia!" I admonish.

Brushing her dark hair away from her tear stained face, the girl unapologetically sasses him. "If I said sorry, would your arm still be hurted?"

Eli scoffs, "Yeah, it would, you little twerp!"

Bella crosses her arms and smiles smugly. "Good. A'cuz my feelings are still hurted." She then sticks her tongue out at him and saunters over to the chair where she had left her owl stuffy.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and blow out a calming breath. Their behavior was less than stellar before mother passed, but now that they have the trauma of grief hovering over them, they've become absolutely atrocious.

I look at Luca who is standing there with an odd expression on his face. Deeming it to be one from being utterly overwhelmed, I decide now is a good time to call it a day.

"I apologize, Detective." I snap my fingers and point to my siblings. "You two, it's time to go."

"Woah, woah, wait a second," Luca says, moving toward me with his hands raised. "I thought you said you needed my help?"

"I—we do, but we aren't in need of it this very second. We've caused enough disruptions for one day." I reach into my purse and hand him the hotel's business card. "Here's where we'll be staying for now. Think over what we talked about and call me anytime if you—"

"No," Luca interrupts with a shake of his head, "there's nothing to think over. You three will be coming home with me tonight and that's where you'll be staying until everything else get's settled."

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