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"LUCA!" I screech when his palm collides with my bottom several more times.

This dress is doing nothing to lessen the sting of his hand and these stupid stilettos are making it impossible to gain any traction to escape.

Now I know why Bella goes 'limp noodle' when she's in trouble with him; I'd absolutely drop to the floor to save my ass from any more swats if it weren't for his arm around my middle forcing me to stay bent over.

I can't even pretend to be stoic anymore. He's making my body jerk with each smack and I'm yelping and hissing in pain. Pain because this man hits hard, but I'm also tearing up out of frustration because I know no one will be coming in to stop him. He specifically chose this room in the way back of the precinct, so he won't be disturbed while he beats the first layer of skin off my ass.

He knew exactly what was going to happen when he brought me in here.

"I'm not going to make you call me dad like Eli and Bella do," Luca says calmly despite how viciously he's spanking me, "but as your father, I will make you toe the line from here on out, signorina, and I will bust your ass each and every time you step over it."

Tears are now running freely down my cheeks and the burn in my bottom is becoming so unbearable, my teeth are going to put a hole in my bottom lip if I continue trying to keep crying at bay.

I give up. 

"Th-that's enough," I stutter through a choked sob. "Stop!"

"My children don't dictate their punishments," he says simply and unmoved by my dwindling composure.

"Luca, please!"

"You broke my every rule and now you want to beg for leniency?"

I don't bother trying to answer what I know is a rhetorical question, I just hang my head and cry.

"The danger you put yourself in," he adds, almost as an afterthought that just spurs him to spank harder.

"OW! Ow, I was sa—OW!—safe!"

At that, he lands an exceptionally hard spank to the back of my left thigh, then pauses.

"You were safe? Are you kidding me?"

"I.. I..." I don't even know what I'm trying to say, my thoughts are struggling to work past the heat radiating like a furnace from my ass.

"Sienna..." he says in a low baritone; I cringe at hearing my given name spoken by him for the first time like that.

I can tell in his tone he's warning me not to keep on that same train of thought, but screw him, I'm right. I did everything mom taught me and I succeeded.

"I was safe," I repeat through tears and gritted teeth, "and smart about it, and I—"

A frustrated growl escapes Luca. He slides the arm that's draped over my back further down and lifts me off the ground by my hips. He turns around and plants his foot on the metal chair, simultaneously dropping me over his now bent knee.

"You're lucky to be alive!" he shouts, laying into me with a renewed strength that takes my breath away.

"OW! P-please!" My feet kick wildly of their own volition as I dangle over his knee and I reach for anything I can grab onto in an attempt to pull myself free.

He roughly adjusts his hold on me and leans down on my back, securely pinning me and upping the ante.

I can't reach the ground.. I can't pull myself free.. I can't escape his punishing hand.. but instead of getting pissed, it's like a complete opposite switch was flicked and I try to hold my breath so the emotional wave of being an utter disappointment to my father doesn't overwhelm me.

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