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Phone call after phone call, favor after favor, three weeks of hoping and praying, and I've finally done it.

I've managed to tip off a few of mom's past clients, to include the two on that note, and coordinate a showing at a high-end art gallery in Los Angeles one week from today.

They're all looking forward to me carrying on my mom's business, and I'm looking forward to bringing down the murdering piece of shit who took her away from me.


"I just need a bit of a breather before college starts up," I explain to Luca as we stand across the kitchen table from one another folding laundry.

"Any idea of when or where you'll be going?"

I shrug and try to seem nonchalant. "I want to be there by next week, and I was thinking San Diego, maybe LA."

"Those are in two complete opposite directions from here..."

"I know, I guess I haven't really decided yet."

He nods slowly and places one of Bella's t-shirts in her pile. He reaches for one of his shirts but stops to stare down at his hands.

"I'll never get used to this," he mutters as he wipes purple glitter off his palms before resuming folding.

"Sure you will," I grin. "Real dads wear glitter."

Luca chuckles and nods. He's quiet for a moment before saying, "You know, you don't have to tell me where you're going, but I'd appreciate knowing where you'll be just the same."

I give him a deadpan expression. "I'm an adult, Luca. I don't need someone to look out for me."

"How could I forget when you're so keen on constantly reminding me of that fact," he deadpans back. He shakes his head and sighs, "Look, all I'm saying is you're still young and you've never been to California before. If you decide on a plan, I can help you execute it safely."

Oh, I've got a plan, and there's absolutely going to be an execution.

"Alright, well how about I just go with San Diego."

He quirks a brow at me. "You sure?"

"Yeah, if you really need to know, I'll just go to SD and give you the deets when I book my hotel or whatever."

"Alright," he nods, "I appreciate it. I understand you're an adult and don't need looking after, but I truly do appreciate being let in a bit."

"Let in?"

Luca gives me a lop-sided grin and shrugs. "You've got this wall, Clover, and I'm not going to force it down. I think you'll come to find I'm a very patient man. I'm capable of waiting however long it takes for you to feel as though I'm deserving of your trust."

"I.." words fail me.

What can I say? He's right.

I've always been somewhat of a closed off person but that's all because of the necessity of it. You can't be an open book and a professional. You need to keep a safe distance from most people, and you can't let just anyone in.

Though I'm finding the idea of letting him in is coming to me more frequently with each passing day.

"I'm not trying to deliberately keep you out, Luca. There's just some things that aren't necessary to share."

He nods again and passes me one of my pairs of shorts. "I get that, believe me I do. I don't ever want to overstep my boundaries with you, but as a person living in my home, and someone close to my children, I feel like there needs to be a more open form of communication between us."

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