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Nonna left a week ago, and aside from the occasional pout from Bella over not being allowed to bake something by herself, 'acuz Nonna taught her how', things have been good. We even celebrated me turning sixteen with a small cake and a trip to a trampoline park. I hadn't seen Elliot smile so big in a long time; settling into the routine of it being just the four of us has been pretty seamless.

That is, until tonight.

Drying the dishes as Elliot washes, Luca asks, "Could you help Bella get set up with a bath?"

Eli hands him the last dish and does a double take when he realizes he's talking to him and not me. Absolutely mortified by the idea, Eli shakes his head. "Um.... no."

Luca grins. It makes me wince a little because he's definitely not amused. He dries the plate, hands it to me to put it away, and tosses the hand towel over his shoulder. He crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the counter.

"Let's try that again... Elliot, now that we are done with the dishes, take Bella upstairs, draw her a bubble bath, she washes her body and you wash her hair. Get her out of the tub, help her into pajamas and brush her hair. Give her the sparkle crayons and her one of her new coloring books to entertain herself while you clean up the bathroom. After her dirty clothes are put in the hamper and the water is all wiped up from the floor, brush her teeth, get her in bed and read her two stories of her choosing. Tuck her in nicely, kiss her perfect little cheek, then pat yourself on the back for doing a job well done."

With each task he listed, Eli's shoulders dropped lower and lower. His cheeks turned redder and redder until he was all but one more task away from going limp noodle on the floor like Bella when she doesn't get her way.


"No! I can't do any of that stuff!" He haughtily crosses his arms, adding, "That's Clover's job."

I bristle, pausing as I reach to put the plate in the cabinet, but quickly recover. It was my job... but not anymore.

Luca's eyes flick from Eli to me briefly as the smile wipes off his face in an instant. He uncrosses his arms, and his hands find his hips.

"It is no one person's job, amico. It is a privilege to have a young one need us the way Bella does. We all care for her together."

"Dad, I just don't want to... I'm too old and she's a girl... it's weird."

Luca's jaw ticks, then he looks to me as if he's actually unsure if he should make him help out or not—as if there's some sort of ethical line he may be crossing.

I roll my eyes and shake my head.

Maybe I'm wrong, but a four year old little girl can't do any of those things by herself. A brother nearly ten years older than her can help her and it's not inappropriate.

Giving me a nod, he reaches out and takes Eli by the upper arm, guiding him out of the kitchen as he speaks.

"I'm not going to repeat what you are to do, you heard me loud and clear."

"But Dad, it's weird! She's a girl!"

"I'm asking you to wash her hair and dress her Elliot, stop being ridiculous."


Luca stops dead in his tracks and turns Eli to face him. "Is there a football game on tonight?"

Eli's mouth opens and closes several times before Luca gives him a curt nod. "Right," he clips out, turning him to the side and giving his bottom a harsh swat.

"Ow!" Elliot whines, reaching back to rub.

Luca turns him back around and wags a finger in his face. "If you try getting out of anything because there is a game on, I'll make sure you miss the next three. Do we have an understanding, Elliot Giovanni?"

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