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"Sorry for the early wake up call, she was supposed to be waking up Eli," I say, looking at my sister pointedly.

Luca raises an eyebrow at Bella who is now curling in on herself.

"Bella," he petitions in a low, but soft voice. "Were you supposed to be somewhere else?"

A perfect pout that makes him fight to suppress a smirk forms on her face.

"I don't wanna brush my teefs after breakfast," she mumbles.

Luca nods and moves to sit them both up. "Let's worry about breakfast first."

He boops her nose and a smile eases its way back onto her face. She hops off the bed, then raises her arms in a silent bid to be carried.

Luca chuckles and picks her up, carrying her down the stairs behind me.

"Bella," I say, once we enter the kitchen. "You said you were going to wake up Eli and when I went up there looking for you, you weren't there..." I take a deep breath and force myself to smile; this is a habit we cannot afford her to get into. "Please don't sneak off like that again.. please."

Bella returns a bashful grin and nods her head. "Can I still have pancakes for breakfast?"

I smile genuinely this time and hold my hands out. "Of course, honey B."

Bella leans forward into my embrace and hugs me tight.

Luca could see it as plain as day just how easily this four year old manipulates me, but I can't help it. She's our living little doll and I can't ever stay mad at her.

"Clove?" Bella's voice calls out sadly.


"I just don't wanna brush my—"

"You don't have to!" I rush out and run my hand down the length of Bella's dark hair. "We can skip this morning, just please don't do that again. I need to know where you are at all times. Okay?"

The desperation was so thick in my voice that Luca had to force himself to swallow.

He clears his throat, grabbing our attention.

"I think pancakes are a good idea, but brushing is pretty important..."

Bella's head whips around to face him so quickly, her hair slaps my cheek. A look of betrayal mars her angelic face.

I adjust her in my hold and glower at him, too. "Under normal circumstances, I'd agree with you Detective, however these are not normal circumstances."

Luca raises a brow at my haughty tone, but nods his head in agreement.

"I'm not brushing. Toothpaste is spicy," Bella snaps.

Luca gives her a soft smile, then turns his eyes back to me. "You're right, nothing about what's been happening lately is normal, which is why it's important to keep certain routines in place as we establish a new normal. Brushing our teeth after breakfast is a simple, and easy place to start."

The more he speaks, the redder I feel my face grow. I can't tell if I'm merely fuming at being questioned, or feeling embarrassed about being such an obvious push-over that a man who has known Bella for less than 24 hours can care for her better than me.

Luca looks like he's holding his breath for me to speak, but shock stops us both in their tracks when Bella's sweet voice turns into a shrill screech.


My eardrum feels like it just split and I wince in pain.

"Bella," I whine, pulling my shoulder up to my ear.

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