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Luca steps into the garage to find Elliot standing by his workbench.

Though young green eyes refused to meet his, Elliot speaks in a soft, respectful tone. "I've always wanted to learn how to build stuff. Maybe a birdhouse or something."

"Why didn't you?"

Eli shrugs. "We were always moving around. Never really got to stay in one place long enough to see a bird build a nest and have babies or whatever."

The nonchalant tone didn't match the disheartening words and Luca finds himself moving closer. To do what, he isn't sure. He couldn't change his son's past—couldn't erase the negative impact Elaine's choices had on the boy, but he could at least try to ease the ache.

He stops in the middle of the slight overly warm garage. Close enough to offer comfort, but distant enough to give Eli's emotions enough room to breathe.

"We have a lot of different birds around here," Luca says. "My favorite are the Chickadee, yellow Warbler, and Titmouse."

Elliot snorts. "Titmouse?"

Luca grins at his boyish amusement. "Yep. We could build something tonight if you'd like.. they're small so it won't take too long to build."

"Small tits. Sweet."

This time it was Luca that chortles. Green eyes finally look to him and the mischievous grin that makes them squint makes Luca's heart swell.

"Look, amico, I don't want to keep you in here all night, I just wanted to talk to you for a minute."

Eli's smile fades and he nods; a silent gesture that says he's listening.

"First, that language has gotta go. I understand you're a teen and that's how kids your age talk, but you can't say those things around your little sister. She's like a sponge: she soaks up everything around her. The good and the bad."

Elliot nods again. "I'm sorry, I didn't really even think she was listening."

"I know, that's why you aren't in trouble. I understand it was something she overheard, and you weren't directly calling her... that."

Eli's cheeks flame and he looks down at the cement floor.

"I know you said it in confidence to your sister, but.. what did I do? Why did you call me that?"

The sullen tone has Eli looking back up. What he sees isn't a man angry from being insulted. He doesn't even see a man sad that his son called him a douchebag. He sees concern. Heavy, concern.

"We were talking about how you won't let her drive anymore." He shrugs, "I just think she's done it for so long, she's more experienced than any kid her age. I think you came down on her too hard because of all the stuff she did. I think you were just punishing her further and it was a douchebag thing to do. That's all."

A look of relief washes over Luca's face. "I can see your point. But I wasn't punishing her further, the whole license thing isn't my rule, it's a law, Elliot."

"I know," he sighs. "I was just.. I dunno. Trying to make her feel better I guess."

Luca smiles and closes the space between them, reaching to give Eli's shoulder an affectionate squeeze. "And that is just one of the many reasons why I love you. You're a good boy, Elliot, and I'm proud of you."

Eli blinks. A smile eases its way onto his face. "I love you, too."

Suddenly there's a sharp, snapping sensation in Luca's chest; like a damn releasing all the emotions he feels toward his one and only son. Flooding him.

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