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Near empty boxes of one large cheese and one large pepperoni pizza now sit upon the detective's counter. The four of us gathered around his small kitchen table and laughed and talked for hours. It wasn't until Bella yawned for the third time in a matter of a few minutes did I realize the time.

"Well," I sigh, "this has been wonderful, but we better get to bed."

I stand and begin picking up the paper plates. Luca stands as well, but holds a hand out to stop me.

"Please, I'll pick up in a minute. Let me show you to your rooms because there's a certain little princess who's fading fast."

Bella's little hand is propped beneath her chin and her big green eyes are slow to open with each next prolonged blink.

"M'not tired," she mumbles softly.

"I know, sweetie. It's just been a very exciting day for everyone. I'm the one that's tired," I facetiously assure her. "Will you come send me off to dream land?"

Luca watches the girl's deep brown hair sway as she gives a little nod. "Otay."

After gathering all the bags, he guides us upstairs and down to the end of the hall where there are three doors. He opens two and reveals tidy, spacious bedrooms.

"Unfortunately I've only got two spare rooms currently available. My room's at the opposite end of the hall to the left, and the bathroom's directly across it."

"This room," he says, knocking on the third door, "is my office. I'll get it cleared out tomorrow so you can each have your own space."

I smile gratefully. "Thank you, but before you do any of that, Detective, I'd like to speak to you."

Elliot rolls is eyes and audibly scoffs as he hauls his bag further up on his shoulder. "I'll take this room. Nobody bother me."

He slams his door shut with a resounding thud that makes an almost-asleep Bella jerk in my arms.

As much as Elliot wanted to come here and find Luca, he's not on board with my part of the plan and he makes that well known to me every chance he gets.

Luca blows a sharp breath through his nose but once again, bites back his words. Instead, he turns to me for the answer he knows I'm harboring. "What was that all about?"

"Give me a few minutes to get her settled?"

He gives me a curt nod. "I'll be downstairs when you're ready."

With a skill to rival our mother's, I have Bella's teeth brushed, pajamas on, and in bed fast asleep within fifteen minutes.

I pull the covers up a little more and press a kiss to Bella's forehead. "Here's Lavender," I whisper, gently placing the beloved owl beside her.

With an exhausted sigh, I close the door enough to leave a sliver of light shining in. I debate on checking in with Eli, but think better of it and instead leave him to get settled.

I descend the stairs to find Luca wiping down the now cleared table.

"I would've helped you," I remind as I move across the kitchen, stopping to point at the sleek black keurig. "May I?"

"Help yourself."

We busy our minds with our individual tasks of cleaning and making coffee until we find ourselves yet again sitting across from one another.

I blow a gentle breath upon the freshly poured cup of heaven before taking a small sip.

"Do you like it?" Luca inquires. "If you're not a fan we can add grocery shopping to our to-do list tomorrow and you can pick out something else for yourself."

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