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After a somewhat tense breakfast, I stand to clear the table, but again, Luca stops me.

"Clover, I think they can put their own plates in the sink."

I pause with Eli's plate already in my hand. I look down at my brother and don't see someone with such capabilities. Could he physically do it? Obviously. But should he have to given everything that's going on? No. He deserves a to be doted on just a little bit.

"That's okay," I say, smiling at Eli. He actually smiles back and it lets me know I've made the right decision. I look back to Luca and nod. "I've got it."

Luca takes a deep breath as if he's going to say something, but turns his attention to Bella. "How about we go brush those teeth, huh?"

"She doesn't like brushing her teeth," Eli says before Bella can respond.

"I know, but she needs to."

Elliot looks to me and I give him a shrug. Luca's right and I know it, but if he wants to go to war with Bella over it, then by all means.. I'm just glad it's not me for once.

"Whatever," Eli spits, roughly pushing away from the table and making his chair screech against the linoleum.

"Elliot," Luca says in a dark tone; sharp enough to make my brother stop and turn to look at him, but not threatening enough to deter the irritated glare from appearing on his young face.

"Sit down for a minute, there's something I'd like to discuss with everyone before we get ready for the day."

"Um, I thought you wanted to talk with me first," I remind him.

Luca stares at me for a moment, contemplating whether or not he should. He settles on shaking his head. "No, this needs to be addressed now."

He leans forward and picks up Bella from her seat, placing her on his lap.

Elliot and I sit down, exchanging looks.

I sure hope whatever this guy has planned doesn't cause World War 3 to break out in this kitchen.

"First and foremost, I want all three of you to know that I'm glad you're here. I wish I had known about you sooner, but I'm glad you're here now."

Bella snuggles deeper into Luca's hold and looks up at him with a beaming grin while Elliot tenses a bit in his seat.

"There's a lot of things that are going to be different," he says, choosing his words carefully so Bella can follow along. "For example, Clover told me your mom didn't have a lot of rules for you, but I will."

"Like no screaming?" Bella asks.

Luca smiles down at her and softly boops her nose. "That's right. But the biggest rules I need you guys to work on learning first are respect and safety."

"What's those?" she asks, playing with the sleeve of his t-shirt while Eli rolls his eyes.

"Safety would mean things like, being where you're supposed to be or not touching things you shouldn't... and respect would mean things like no screaming and no using rude words... understand?"

"Uh-huh, that's easy peasy for me," Bella says, "but Eli says lotsa rude words. One time, when we was waiting for dinner, I gotted my mac and cheese but he didn't get his foods, so he said the lady was a slow bit—"

"Bella," I cut in, "that's already been handled and he won't say it again."

Luca looks to Eli who is sitting there with a bored expression, but his cheeks slowly turning crimson are giving his true emotions away.

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