Chapter Five

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Days flew by, with Ryder sleeping through most of it. The pains seemed to come and go, the worst of it seemed to be over. Grace sat beside Ryder as he dozed fitfully, the pains would be coming on soon.
Grace mentally braced herself for the hatred that would be thrown at her when the pains came, she knew it wasn't him. It was the withdrawals. Grace slowly wound the thread around the bobbin as she began preparing for another poppet. This one would be of <Meredith>, the Goddess of healing. 
Praying as she wound the thread, hoping for a gentle spirit to take over Ryder during the pains this time. The last spirit was vile, screaming obscenities and hurling insults.
Tears pricked Grace's eyes as she remembered last night when the pains took over. She remembered the hatred stinging her own heart. He had finally quieted after the medicine took over, Grace looked at his sleeping form again.
The small nettles of hatred stinging again, how easy it would have been for her to place a pillow over his face and hold it there. He wouldn't have had the strength to fight.
A soft knock sounded on the door, Grace stood up shaking her head to rid herself of the hatred and awful thoughts. Walking to the door, she took deep calming breaths.
"Right on time as always Regan." Grace said as she opened the door. But instead of the tall dark Regan, stood a fair haired man she did not know.
She slowly backed away from the door, intent on closing it when the man spoke in a raspy voice, "Miss, Regan is ill. He sent me instead." He looked at her with clear blue eyes, "I'm Hunter. I have your supplies. The Mistress also sent,"
"Hush, boy! Do you want all squatters to know? Get in here." Grace snapped sharply, swinging the door open. Ushering the man in, Grace pointed to the kitchen. "In there. Don't wake him."
The man, Hunter, looked briefly over at Ryder's sleeping form. "Has he burned through it?" A brief look of disgust flashed over his face.
Grace snorted, "They don't always burn through it, sometimes it smolders within them. But yes, he's through the worst of it." Hunter nodded as he placed the box on the kitchen table, "Understandable."

Grace tilted her head at the man, "What else did she send?" Hunter looked up from emptying the box, "Hmm? Oh! The Mistress sent a small package for you. Women's stuff from the looks of it."
He handed over a small black package, neatly wrapped with blood red ribbon. Grace stiffened as she took the package. Women's stuff indeed. This didn't come from Dark Annie, Grace knew the wrapping well.
Calling card of The Deer Lady, so she hadn't forgotten about her. Grace set the small box down on the table. Looking at Hunter she asked, "What really happened to Regan?"

Hunter looked down at his feet and gave a lopsided grin, "He lost a bet. And here I am." He looked up at Grace, his blue eyes staring into her grey. "He'll be back next week. I was just curious as to who the little apprentice was."
Grace gave a small smile, "Well, you've seen the apprentice. I hope your curiosity has been sated. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to see to Ryder."

Grace pushed him out the door, "Also, tell your mistress that I have received her message." Closing the door in his face, Grace let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. "What have I done?" She whispered as she walked back to the kitchen to open the little black package.
Passing by Ryder's sleeping form, a hand snapped out and grabbed her ankle. Grace gasped and tried to jump back. Cloudy dark eyes stared up at her, a voice deep and gravelly spoke, "Look with not the eyes, but with the soul. See those for what they are, not what they wish they were."
Ryder's hand let go of her ankle and his eyes closed again. Soon soft snores began emanating from his sleeping form. Grace took a deep breath and bent to cover him back up. She noticed as she pulled the blanket up to his chin that he was starting to put weight on and did not look so sickly, though he would never be large. His muscles were beginning to become more defined. She shook her head and stood up, if that was the spirit that would hold Ryder through this round of pain, she was not sure if it was one she wanted to meet again.

Grace stepped into the kitchen and gently picked up the black box. Turning it over, she untied the blood red bow. She lifted the box to her nose and sniffed, sure that if it was anything of The Shadows, she would be able to smell it.
No smell of any kind came from the box. She lifted the lid to see a small golden locket nestled in folds of velvet.
Grace traced her finger along the engraved design, a rose. Carefully she lifted the locket out of the box, tilting her head when a chain fell from it. "A necklace?"
Grace saw the small hinge on the side of the locket, "Well, if there is a hinge, it must open" she gently pried the locket open. In the locket were two pictures, two beautiful women looking back at her from their tiny frames. So familiar were the faces. She tilted her head one way then the other, squeezing her eyes shut trying to conjure forth the names that went with the faces.
Grace's eyes flew open, Elizabeth and Annie! She peered at the pictures again, Annie with her dark hair and dark eyes. Disgust written plainly on her face. And Elizabeth, fair haired and light eyes, innocence and warmth written all over her.

A moan sounded from the living area where Ryder slept, Grace quickly put the locket back in the box and put the lid haphazardly on. But as she did, a small piece of paper fell out, she snatched up the paper. Shoving it into her pocket she walked to Ryder. "Hush now, I know the pains are starting. But keep hold of yourself, you don't want any spirits coming in on you."

Grace continued making shushing sounds and she knelt beside Ryder, gently stroking his hair, she began to hum a song she remembered her grandmother humming when she was a baby. Ryder calmed and slid back into a deeper slumber. Grace sighed, anything she could do to keep that spirit from coming back. She continued stroking his hair and humming, eventually falling into a light sleep herself.

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