Chapter Sixteen

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 Grace walked beside Hunter through the darkness, waiting and hoping that the next guide would be as helpful and kind as the two before. As they walked, she found herself thinking on what Regan had said about Nephilim. She remembered the stories her grandmother told- stories of people with amazing powers. Kendall, the giant who could part the clouds with just a word. But her grandmother didn't call them Nephilim or Dark anything; she simply called them Demigods. Were these great people the same thing as Regan?

She ran up to meet Regan, twisting her hands; she thought of a way to phrase the question that was burning in her mind. Regan slowed his pace, glancing towards her; "What is on your mind? You look fit to bust." Grace smiled softly, "Do you have any special powers? Grandmama used to tell me stories about people who had powers. She called them Demigods, but could they be... what you are?" She looked up at him, barely able to make out the line of his jaw in the darkness. She felt, rather than saw the smile that played on his face.

"I suppose they could be, you grew up on the story of Kendall, huh?" She nodded, surprised he knew the story. "Kendall, was a Nephilim. We share the same sire you know. But I don't have the powers he did." Regan continued walking, glancing at Grace every so often, she was trying to take in the information when Regan stopped suddenly. He put a finger to his lips and pointed to a shadow in the corner with the other hand.

Hunter stopped next to Regan, looking towards the shadow he was pointing at. A grin formed on Hunter's lips, "You know, it's not polite to stalk people." The shadows in the corner seemed to darken and elongate, Grace watched as a tall thin woman walked out of the shadows. She huffed slightly as she walked over to Regan, Grace felt a twinge of jealousy as the two grasped forearms. The woman smiled a smile a little too wide, sharp teeth gleamed in the dim light.

"Brother." The woman said still smiling that predator smile. Regan simply nodded, "Kara." Kara- looked over at Hunter and her eyes widened, she whipped her head around and looked at Regan, "Him? You brought him?"

Regan simply shrugged his shoulders, "He's useful." Grace stood in bewilderment, why was this woman so hostile towards Hunter? Grace looked at Hunter who had his hands in his pockets and was bouncing on his feet. Her confusion deepened as Kara reached out and slapped Hunter. Hunter's grin widened, "Good to see you too."

A quiet cough sounded, Kara had turned towards the shadows again, beckoning with her hand. "Come now, we have to see them through this. She is waiting." Grace straightened her shoulders and looked behind her to take Ryder's hand, but could not find him. Grace whirled around trying to find him, "Ryder? Where are you?"

Hunter's grin fell from his face, "Damnit Bubba, where did he go?" Kara smiled her toothy smile, "Already lost him, have you?" She walked past Hunter, bumping her shoulder to his. Her eyes glowing faintly in the dark. She hummed quietly as she walked deeper into the shadows, Grace reached for Hunter's hand as she closed her eyes. Intent on listening for Ryder in the silence. Hunter grabbed her hand and tugged her closer to him, her back to his chest, she strained her hearing as far as it would go.

No sounds of Ryder came to her, she took a deep breath and tried to calm her rapid heartbeat. Not knowing why it was so important to find him, she just knew she had to. A quiet trickle of water to her left, the steady rhythm of Hunter and Regan's heartbeats calming her further, she listened- hoping to find some sound that showed her where he was. Her eyes flew open, a howling was coming from behind them, almost inhuman in it's pain. She wasn't sure if the others had heard it, but she recognized the howling. Ryder was possessed!

"H-hunter, it's Ryder. He's..." Grace turned trying to put a location to the howl, "I don't know which direction, but he's hurt!" 

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