Chapter Eight

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 Ryder and Grace sat on the mattress talking, Ryder trying to understand why a spirit would want to possess him. "What kind of warning? Why would you need to be warned?" He fidgeted with the spoon he had been holding.

Grace sighed, "I don't know. It doesn't make sense to me either. The only thing I can figure is that something bad is going to happen. But, I don't know what." She shook her head, looking towards the kitchen she gasped. "Wait! Maybe it has to do with the locket!" She jumped up and ran to the kitchen, digging through the drawer she kept the old locket in. She was sure that she had placed it in here, moving around the junk that had accumulated in their two months in this hovel, GRace saw no trace of the locket.

Sighing she closed the drawer, unsure of where she would have placed the locket if not in the drawer. A knock sounded on the front door, Ryder flinchedat the sound. Grace shushed Ryder and walked to the door, opening it expecting to see Regan with her supplies.

Instead of Regan, Hunter stood in the doorway. Eyes narrowed and scanning the area behind him. He pushed his way into the hovel, "We have to go." He reached for Ryder, "Can you walk? I know you may be weak, but you have to walk. She's on her way."

Ryder's eyes went wide; knowing exactly who she was. "How did she find me? How?" He bent down to grab his boots, swaying slightly as he did so. Hunter grabbed his elbow, "Easy there Bubba, Grace, grab his boots. You'll have to run in your bare feet. You got this. Come on now." Hunter ushered Ryder out the door, his hand never leaving Ryder's back. He nodded to Grace as she grabbed the boots from beside the mattress, "Let's go Princess. Can't dawdle. Gotta meet Regan at the river bridge."

Grace grabbed her bag, throwing Ryder's boots in. Shouldering her bag she ran after Hunter. Stopping she turned toward the door. "The wards!"

Hunter growled, "No time, we have to move. NOW!" He grabbed her by her ponytail, "This way." Steering both GRace and Ryder down a narrow alley, Hunter grabbed Grace's shoulder. "Keep quiet. I think she's got Hounds."

Grace saw Ryder shiver at the mention of Hounds. Confusion evident on her face, Ryder whispered, "Blood trackers. She can find me if she has my blood."

Thoughts raced through Grace's mind, had she cleaned the bathroom well enough? A movie played in her mind of Ryder become so sick he was throwing up blood in the bathroom, had she cleaned that up right? Could they get his blood from that? She was certain she had used bleach for it.

Grace was pulled along by Hunter and Ryder, each holding onto her hand as if she was the only thing to keep them from drowning. She winced as she heard the sound of footsteps coming towards them. She felt the guys tense, knowing they heard the footsteps too. A shadow fell across the alley wall, large and blocking out almost all light.

Grace braced herself to be torn from Ryder and Hunter, closing her eyes she waited for the pain. After what seemed like hours, but was only a few seconds, GRace opened her eyes to see Hunter staring up at a large man with a goofy grin on his face. A small spark of recognition, Garon, this was Elizabeth's man.

Grace stared at Hunter, why was he grinning? This man could easily kill all of them. Garon spoke, a deep voice, like a waterfall hitting large boulders, "She waits for you. Follow me." Hunter nodded and let go of Grace's hand, as did Ryder. Hunter followed Garon towards the mouth of the alley, stopping and turning back with an expectant look on his face. "Come on you."

Ryder took a step towards Hunter, faltering and nearly falling. Hunter sighed and grabbed Ryder- slinging his arm over his shoulder. "Alright Bubba, probably gonna need to carry you. That poison mess will be out of your system soon." He shot a look over his shoulder at Grace.

Grace's eyes widen in shock, is Hunter accusing her of poisoning Ryder? She would never try to hurt him. Her job was to help him through the recovery. She was about to say something when she realized that she didn't know what was actually in the medicine she gave him. She hung her head in shame as she followed Garon and the guys.

A good medicine woman would know what was in their tinctures and potions. She simply relied on another to make the medicines for her. Tears pricked her eyes at the idea of poisoning Ryder, even if it was accidental. 

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