Chapter Fourteen

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They all sat in the silence, barely daring to breathe, as they all strained to listen for the hounds. Grace with her eyes closed, knowing that even if they were open she would see nothing but black. She strained her hearing to it's limit, searching for any sound that may indicate safety. A soft dripping made itself known to her, a thick dripping- a dripping that conjured up images of rivers and waterfalls of blood in her mind's eye. She gritted her teeth against the image and pushed closer to Hunter who tightened his grip. His right hand stilling from the circles he made on her back. She felt his lips touch the top of her head, as he laid his face against her hair. She knew he was blocking out any chance of seeing what had surrounded them.

A scuttling sound reached her ears from the far corners of the cavernous room they were in. She heard Ryder shuffle and felt Hunter's left arm leave her, drawing Ryder close. She heard the soft crunch as Regan quietly made his way over to them, his arm wrapping around her above Hunter's. She knew as with Hunter that Regan had wrapped his other arm around Ryder. They were to be protected, her and Ryder; small and weak as they were. She heard the soft padding of Andora's feet as she stalked a circle around the four huddled together.

A throaty laugh bubbled up from the dark corners, "A sublime meal for Twister. Yes, a sublime meal." The scuttling seemed to be getting closer, Grace let go of Hunter's shirt with one hand and reached for Ryder who grabbed her hand and held it close to his closed mouth. She felt both Regan and Hunter's grips tighten around her, knowing their grips tightened around Ryder as well.

The thick dripping continued, Grace couldn't help but picture a large faceless monster creeping towards them- jaws widening to fit them all in its mouth. Suddenly a yowl sounded, Grace heard the swipe of claws and a chink- like that of metal on metal. A hiss sounded from her left, and Grace heard the soft voice of Andora, "They are under my protection, demon. You will retreat back to where you came."

Another thick dripping sound began to accompany the first. A rumble sounded, it came to Grace's ears like that of boulders rolling down the side of a mountain in an avalanche. A growl sounded from her right, "You will leave demon. This is my pack. Not your lunch." The scuttling stopped, a pitiful wail sounded, "You do not take Twister's meal! It is mine. Mean spirits! Mean! Mean! Mean!" Another swipe of claws, a sound that was larger and heavier than the first. A louder clink, Grace winced. A deep chuckle sounded behind her, Regan's chest shook. His deep voice low and full of mirth. "So he decided to get up and help."

Confusing washed over Grace as she tried to listen for whatever it was that was helping Andora. The padding of eight feet came to her ears. Four that she recognized as Andora's, an another heavier but still light four. A deep hot breath reached her face as it was buried in Hunter's chest, Ryder's grip on her hand tightened with fear.

Another pitiful wail, "No! Mean!" The scuttling resumed and became fainter and fainter. Regan and Hunter loosened their grip on Grace. Regan moving to where, Grace did not know. But Hunter seemed content on keeping Grace and Ryder anchored to him, showing no signs of letting go even though he had loosened his grip enough for Grace to turn around. 

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