Chapter Thirty

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Mabuz looked at Gabriel, "It would be different if they were outcasts or demons, but they are not. They are Nephilim, they understand her better than you ever will. The oldest one- he is the son of Abaddon. He will know more of what she's going through than any of us." He turned to look at Grace with pity in his eyes, "It's not ideal, but it is what must be done. Do you intend to set her up as the new ruler in this place?" He turned towards Gabriel, "She is not capable of it."
Gabriel sighed as he watched his niece, "No, she is not. She lacks the determination of all her ancestors." Grace bristled at that comment, she knew that she was not the most determined, but to speak as if she was incompetent? She felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise, she turned towards Gabriel and Mabuz in confusion, only to find them staring towards the way they had come. Mabuz hissed, "Quickly! Take her back. He is here."
Gabriel grabbed Grace by the shoulder and pulled her into a rough hug, "Niko will take you back to them, but keep your guard up. We will meet again. I promise." Nikothoe grabbed Grace's hand and began running towards a blank wall. As they neared the wall, Nikothoe threw up her hand in an odd gesture and an obsidian door appeared. Together they ran through the door, falling through nothingness.
Nikothoe cursed in a language that Grace did not understand and grabbed Grace close to her; her great leathery wings spreading out. Grace closed her eyes, waiting for the crash.
When the crash did not come, Grace opened her eyes and found herself soaring through the void. She felt Nikothoe's taloned hands around her but when she looked to her, she could not see her. She looked to the ground and saw the dimly lit path beneath her. They were not far up, she knew that when they came upon the group, that the guys would be able to see them easily. Worry caught in her throat, not knowing what Hunter would do. Her thoughts began racing, images of Hunter lashing out at Nikothoe- trying to kill her- flashed before her eyes. She wanted to warn Nikothoe, to tell her to watch out for the angry blonde, when they touched down near the group.
Hunter was the first to notice her, he walked calmly toward her. His eyes trained on Nikothoe, she stood still waiting for the violence she was sure would come. But instead of lashing out, Hunter hugged Nikothoe, "So she ended up in your home this time?"
Grace stared at the two hugging with confusion, how many creatures did Hunter know? How did he know them all? Grace watched as the two continued an embrace- relief on hunter's face and humor on Nikothoe's. When the two parted, Regan hugged Nikothoe as well. Grace sighed; she would never truly know these two. Her thoughts wandered to Ryder as her eyes did the same; he was as lost and confused as her. Maybe more so, as he did not know what or who Nikothoe was.
"You lost her; I did all I could to twist the portal so she would come to me. Unfortunately, she saw the Mounds." A shiver went down Grace's spine as she remembered the piles of wailing tortured bodies. A grin spread across Hunter's face, "Of course she did, she has a habit of seeing things she wasn't meant to."
Grace had the sudden urge to kick him, right in the shin if she aimed it right. As she began to pull her foot back, her attention was caught by Ryder. "I don't mean to be rude but who and what are you?"
Nikothoe smiled her toothy smile, Grace watched as Ryder backed up. "I'm Nikothoe, you can call me Niko. I'm a Harpy- torturer and guard of the Damned." Niko bowed low and continued smiling as she rose up. Ryder nodded and took a step behind Regan, "N-nice to meet you." Regan slung an arm around Ryder's shoulders and dragged him forward, "She's on our side. Quit acting like she's going to eat you."Laughter colored his voice. Grace watched the exchange, knowing that she was being purposely ignored by the three men in front of her.
Niko turned to Hunter and became serious, "She has to be protected. He knows she was there. Gabriel doesn't trust you, and Mabuz is being swayed to his side on your intentions. It's going to get dodgy. Ba'al may come for her." Hunter turned and looked at Grace, scoffing he turned back to Niko, "If she didn't wander off and actually stayed put; she wouldn't be in this mess."
Grace huffed as she took offense to every word Hunter said. She knew in her heart that he was right, but she could not believe that he would say it out loud. She moved to walk past Hunter when he grabbed her arm, "No, you stay beside me. No more running off. You are causing enough trouble." His blue eyes met hers and there was no warmth in them. Grace tried to place the emotion she saw in his eyes but she couldn't. It seemed to be a mixture of hatred and concern? She knew it was not concern for her, but rather concern for himself and the others. She yanked her arm from his grip and stared at him, "If I am causing so much trouble, then let me leave. With me gone, you wouldn't need to be so damn worried all the time." She turned on her heel and began walking away, anger coloring her vision.
She heard Niko sigh behind her, her words directed towards Hunter, but Grace felt they were meant for her as well, "We all have to work with those we do not like, maybe even hate. But she is important. Do not let your anger and your jealousy..." Hunter snapped back at Niko, "Jealousy? What about her do I have to be jealous of? A skinny little nobody that can't even control her abilities?"
Grace tensed as she turned around, "You are insufferable! You think that just because you have some special power that you can control, that you are better than me? You think that because you know about this world, that you are better than me? I have seen my mother die in my memories. I watched my grandmother waste away and die in my arms! So forgive me if I do not want to play in this competition with you." She had found herself standing directly in front of Hunter, stabbing her finger into his chest. She dropped her hand, looked down and sighed, "I do not want to be with you anymore than you want to be with me. I am sorry that whoever or whatever roped you into this. But, as I said, if I leave, you will no longer have to worry about me. So, to do us both a favor; I am leaving." She looked up at Niko, "Tell my uncle that I have no interest in whatever it is he is planning. You can open doors, open one back to my world. I'm tired and I just want to go home."
Niko sighed and shot a look at Hunter, "You will not be safe on your own. I cannot come to that world to protect you. I," she looked to the three men, "They cannot come either. They have a journey they must complete as well." Grace looked to Regan and Ryder, sadness in Ryder's eyes and understanding in Regan's. She looked back to Niko, "I will be fine. There is somewhere I can go."
Niko nodded as she made a gesture with her hand and a shadowy door appeared, "This will take you back to the alley where you first entered the bridge. Stay low, stay quiet. I will find you a protector." Hunter snorted, "She will be dead before sunrise, or taken by Ba'al."
Grace rolled her eyes and chose to ignore Hunter as she walked through the doorway without a backwards glance.

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