Chapter Two

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 "Why don't you use The Arts?" she asked as she wound the twine around the bobbin.

"The Arts are for those who live in the shadows."

She huffed, "Your name is DARK Annie!"

That hoarse cackle came again, "I used to be a dark beauty. That's why I'm Dark Annie, not because I live in the shadows."

She stared at the woman who had become like a mother to her. "I can't be Dark Annie then."

A soft hmm, "Alabaster Annie, then. Though it'll take a bit to catch on."

She shook her head, "It doesn't command the respect Dark Annie does."

Another cackle, "Names don't command respect, people do. If you want your name to be whispered in fear or awe, then you command respect. Won't matter if your name is Dark Annie or Gentle Jill."

She scrunched her face, "If you don't use The Arts, then why do you help those who want curses? How do you help those who want curses? You helped Agnes when she came to you saying her man was wanderin'."

"Head games," Dark Annie tapped her temple, "I gave her a remedy for her ailment. What was causing her man to wander? She thought it was a curse on the other woman; it worked the way it was supposed to. No Arts required. People will believe it's magic, because magic is what they are looking for."

She simply nodded, Dark Annie chuckled. "You will understand in time." Dark Annie began placing herbs into a mortar, "Everyone thinks they know what is best for them. Agnes thought that a curse on the other woman was what was best. She didn't think about the scurvy that was starting to show, did she? No man wants a woman who bruises easily or is bleeding in the mouth. So I gave her the remedy for the scurvy. Clear it right up, her man won't wander no more. She thought it was a curse on the other woman, because that's what she wanted. But it doesn't matter because it will help fix the problem."

Her mouth dropped open, "You tricked her!"

Dark Annie dropped the pestle she had picked up, "No, I never trick. Her own mind tricked her. She knows that I am no witch. But she was too scared to go see the Deer Lady. So she came to me with the idea that I could curse for her. Her mind did the tricking. You can't be a healer girl, if you think it's about trickin'" She picked up the pestle again and began grinding the herbs, "Besides, lemongrass ain't never cursed no one."

Dark Annie began humming to herself as she ground the herbs, adding salt and oil to the mortar, creating a paste. Grace watched as Dark Annie spooned the paste into a small container. Placing the container in Grace's hand, Annie spoke, "Take this to Old Albert in Housing 5H. He's getting rheumy again. He'll hurt like Hell until it rains if he doesn't have his ointment. Hurry up girl."

Grace walked to the door, turning around as she turned the knob, "When will you teach me the right herbs to use?"

Dark Annie looked thoughtful, "Time ain't right girl, and you haven't gone through the fire yet."

Grace sighed as she turned and walked out the door.


Grace exited Housing 5H, humming to herself. Suddenly she found herself falling backwards as she ran into what she thought was a wall.

"Alright dearie?" Grace looked up at the voice and saw a beautiful woman with silver blonde hair. Almost immediate recognition flashed in Grace's eyes- The Deer Lady. She quickly looked at the ground. "I-I'm alright. I'm sorry for running into you." Eyes still downcast, Grace heard a breathless laughter. "You didn't run into me! You ran into my friend, Garon."

Grace slowly raised her head and saw that, indeed, she hadn't run into The Deer Lady but rather a walking brick wall. That breathless laughter again, "Garon, I do believe you are frightening our little friend, step back." The brick wall grunted and moved to the side. The Deer Lady knelt down beside Grace, "Now, I don't recognize you from Housing 5H. Why are you here?"

Grace swallowed, "Dark Annie sent me to Old Albert to give him his ointment. He's rheumy again." Darkness flashed through The Deer Lady's eyes, gone so fast that Grace thought she had imagined it.

"Dark Annie? How wonderful that she is still such a wonderful healer." Grace thought she had heard disgust when The Deer Lady said 'healer'. But again, she dismissed it as her imagination. She smiled at The Deer Lady. "Dark Annie is great! I'm her apprentice!"

Grace mentally slapped herself. Why did she say that? It was uncontrollable; she blurted it out without thinking. A small smile played on the lips of The Deer Lady. "Dark Annie took on an apprentice? After all these years? I am surprised. I'm sure you will be a wonderful apprentice. It is a shame that I didn't see you first; I have been looking for an apprentice. Tell me, little one, what's your name?"

Grace stopped herself just in time from blurting out her name, remembering the rules Dark Annie set down for her, "Gentle Jill." A false name when speaking with The Deer Lady, that was the number one rule. Never her real name, Dark Annie, never even called her by her real name.

'Names have power, even for those who don't use The Arts. But especially for those who use The Arts.' Dark Annie was crushing herbs in her mortar as she always was. Grace was unsure what her master meant. 'But it's just a name.'

'To know the name is to know the creature. The first rule I give you is that anyone who you encounter can't know your name. Make one up if you have to, but never your real name.' Grace thought it was strange, as so many people knew her real name.

The Deer Lady's smile widened, "Already have a moniker, I see. A healer's name. Now tell me Gentle Jill. Are you truly gentle? Do you plan to heal with kind words and gentle nudges?" Grace imagined there were sharp teeth behind The Deer Lady's smile, unsure of why this was an image she had. Grace began to back away, "Yes, souls in need of healing are in need of gentleness. Excuse me, I have to go. Dark Annie said to not linger. She has other deliveries for me." Grace turned to leave but quickly turned back around and bowed, "Thank you for your conversation."

She quickly turned on her heel and walked as fast as she could to the alley shortcut that would lead her back to Dark Annie's.

Grace turned the corner into the alley; she stopped just inside the shadows and leaned against the wall, her heart beating rapidly. She let out a breath she did not realize she was holding. As her breathing and heart rate slowed, she peeked around the corner of the building; The Deer Lady was gone, but her 'friend' Garon was standing outside Housing 5H.

Grace suddenly felt a shiver go down her spine and knew she had to hurry back to Dark Annie's and tell her what had happened. Dark Annie may not live in the Shadows, but she knew an awful lot about those who did. 

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