Chapter Twenty-Three

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Grace looked at Hunter, "But my grandmother was Azael- a demon! I'm not like you. You have a human parent." Tears spilled down her cheeks. Hunter cleared his throat. "She may have not been your grandmother, she could have just been a demon who took pity on you. It could happen."

Grace shook her head, "No, no. I saw my father. He sat on a throne. I have a sister who is a demon. I am not human at all!" Grace began to hiccup as she cried. Gently grabbing her shoulders, Hunter stared at her. "How? How do you know this?" He shook her gently. Her sobs lessened as she tried to get a hold of herself to explain, "In the shadow world, I followed a WillO' Wisp. It took me to him. MY sister's name is Prim." The hiccups came again, "You don't believe me."

Ryder turned and looked at her, "I believe you." Hunter looked at Ryder, "She was unconscious, I saw her fall. It was a dream. She didn't go on some fantastic adventure!"

Regan ran his hand over his face, "There are stories of Nephilim being able to project their consciousness into the other worlds. It's possible that when she fell unconscious, she really left her body."    

Grace stared at Regan, he may not have fully believed her, but this was a start. She had to make them believe her, "What if we went back? I could show you where I saw it!" Ryder's eyes widened in horror, Hunter took a step closer to Ryder- blocking him from Grace's view. "No, we are not going back. We keep going forward."

Hunter turned from her and stepped over the pile of ash, Ryder followed him with his head down. Grace could see the tears starting to spill from Ryder's eyes. Regan wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "If it's true, then it will reveal itself."

Grace shook her head, knowing that it would be impossible for the truth to show itself. Secrets that her grandmother took to her grave.

'Grace, I am dying. You will have to keep yourself safe soon. Remember what I taught you.' Her grandmother spoke so quietly, so differently from normal. The sickness had found its way into her heart, there was no cure. No amount of visits to the infirmary- even if she had agreed to go- would help. Grace sat helplessly on the side of the bed, trying to put a brave face on.

"GRandmama, I don't think I can.' Tears leaked from her eyes, she swiped the tears from her eyes; determined to not show her tears. A small chuckle followed by a coughing fit came from her grandmother. 'You are stronger than you think. Your memories of me will help you. Now tell me the rules I gave you.' Her grandmother tried to sit up in the bed, staring intently at Grace, she nudged her with her foot.

Grace cleared her throat and began the recitation of the 5 rules her grandmother had given her.

Grace felt the agony she had felt from her grandmother's death, trying to comfort herself she recited the 5 rules again.

"Idle hands create chaos, kisses without meaning cause chaos..." Regan looked at her, "Where did you learn that?" His question came out as anger.

Grace stopped and stared at him, "My grandmama taught it to me. Her 5 rules she said. They were supposed to keep me safe after she passed." She looked down at her feet, "I haven't paid attention and followed them." She lifted her head as she heard a snort from Regan.

"They are called the Chaos Laws, even Demons have to have laws otherwise chaos rules in the shadow world. But there are seven, not five." Grace nodded, looking ahead at Hunter and Ryder as they slowly made their way along the path, whispering to each other. SHe found herself wanting to know what they were whispering about, worried that it was her they were talking about.

Regan broke her from her spiraling thoughts as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders again, "We will be on the other side shortly," Grace sighed, still worried about angering Hunter as she walked alongside Regan.

The dim light that surrounded the path began to grow and Grace noticed a glowing green door ahead. A soft hum emanated from the door, knowing that this led to the real world, she took a deep breath. Hunter and Ryder stopped in front of the door, they both turned and looked at Regan and Grace. Hunter's mouth a grim line as he gestured to Andora and Angus, "They are agitated."

Grace looked to Andora, whose fur was standing on end as she stepped back from the door. Shaking her head, Andora spoke, "This is not right. This is not the right door." The door seemed to call to Grace, whispered promises of peace and safety wound their way through her mind. She reached out to touch the door, Regan grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him, "Don't touch it." He hissed as he turned to Angus, "We will have to go off the path."

"Or go back." Hunter said, glancing at the pair. "Backtrack to where we left the path." Grace shook her head, there was something here. A reason they were here. She shook off Regan's arm and ran into the door.

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