Chapter Eighteen

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Grace laid curled up in tears- eyes closed not wanting to see anything around her. But the trilling sound came again. More urgent this time, Grace lifted her head and sniffled. It had been hours since she had laid down, she slowly got to her feet. The trilling came again- closer now. She titled her head and tried to find where the sound was coming from. She looked to her left and saw a small light bouncing a few yards from her.

    Grace started walking to the light, unsure of what to do when she got to it. As she neared the light, the trilling came again. A smile played on her lips, Will'O Wisp, trickster spirits. She remembered the stories, again told by her grandmother of these spirits leading travelers to the shadow world. But she was already in the shadow world, Grace did not fear where the spirit was taking her.

    Following the light, she stumbled. Dropping to her knees, she cried out. Lifting her hand to her face, she could barely make out the thick blood that oozed from a cut on her palm. Sighing, Grace reached into her pocket, wishing she had offered to carry the bag with the first aid supplies. She gingerly wrapped her palm in the small handkerchief. She looked up from bandaging her hand to see the light within reach now. The trilling becoming a soft humming, Grace walked towards the light. As she reached it, she noticed the dark outline of a winged creature within the ball of light. Human in shape, but oh so small- Grace reached out her uncut hand to the light, hoping to touch the creature. The creature zoomed off- Grace followed the light with her eyes. Watching it as it stopped a little further away from her.

    Grace sighed and started walking towards the light. "A game of chase." She said quietly, "If I was in Reality, I'd be in trouble. Following the sprite to my death." Grace giggled, "At least that's what GRandmama said would happen." The soft humming of the light made Grace feel giddy, she began humming a tune to the light. A few notes, the light hummed them back. Grace's smile got wider, every tune she hummed, the creature copied. Soon, after several minutes of humming and walking, Grace found herself at the entrance to a cave. Wind blew in her face- cold like the dead of winter- Grace stopped, wondering what was inside the cave.

    The cold wind gave a startling howl, Grace stepped back looking around. The darkness no longer flowed around her; it now seemed to rush towards her- stopping just inches from her as if it was afraid to touch her. Grace swallowed and stepped into the mouth of the cave.

    As she did, the darkness rushed in on her knocking her unconscious. Before succumbing to the darkness, Grace thought she heard a familiar laughter.

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