Chapter Eleven

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    Grace awoke to light streaming through the small window in the bedroom, a streetlight. How long had she slept? In front of her Hunter snored softly, behind her Ryder was missing. She sat up, Hunter's arm slid off her waist. She quietly slipped off the bed and quickly made her way to the living area.
    Sitting on the large sofa was Ryder, staring into a roaring fire. Grace blinked, confused as to how he had built a fire when there had been no logs or kindling when they arrived. She scanned the room and found the familiar dark red head of Regan sitting in the overstuffed chair, breathing a sigh of relief she walked over to Regan. Putting a hand on his shoulder, she spoke quietly. "It's good to see you again. Are you here to help? Did Annie send you?"
    Regan turned his head to Grace, "No, I left. There are things beginning that have no right to begin." Grace drew in a breath, confusion etched on her features. Opening her mouth to speak, she was interrupted by the deep voice of Hunter, "Regan, are we ready to move on?"
    Hunter placed his hand on the small of Grace's back and nodded towards Ryder, "What's with Bubba?" Grace shrugged and stepped towards Ryder but was stopped by Hunter. "Something is not right. Stay back." Hunter crossed the few steps to stand in front of Ryder, he bent down til he was eye level.
    "Bubba, what is it? What are you seeing?" Ryder turned his eyes to Hunter, a milky film over his green eyes. He leaned forward til his nose was almost touching Hunter's. "Betrayal is assured. Watch the shadows. Heed the call of the wild ones."
    Ryder leaned back and closed his eyes.
    Hunter turned to Regan as Ryder leaned back, "What the hell?"
    Regan shrugged, massive shoulders lifting and falling back. "She'll know. We have to get to her."
    Grace shivered, unsure as to who they were referring to. Only knowing that whoever 'she' was, it would be hell getting to her.
    Regan stood up, glancing at Ryder he turned to Hunter, "We will leave in the morning, after the sun rises. Genesis is searching everywhere for him," he pointed towards Ryder, "Her hounds don't search in daylight."
    Hunter simply nodded, "Sounds good." He began walking down the back hall towards the room they had slept in. Grace followed him, hoping to get at least a few answers. She reached for him, "Hunter, who are we going to? Why is a brothel owner searching for him? She could replace him easily."
    A chuckle reached her ears, "For someone so damn smart, you really are stupid." Hunter continued into the room, grabbing Grace's bag and dumping it out on the bed. "Hey!" Grace ran to the bed to grab the bag from him. "You can't just throw my things out, some of this is important!" She snatched up the small locket and a small photo.
    Hunter looked at her, holding his palm out he snapped, "Give it here." Grace handed him the photo, "It's my grandmother. She took care of me when my mom was too sick." Hunter glanced at the photo, "Uh huh, now the other thing."
    Grace balled her fist around the locket, not wanting to give it to him. "It's just a necklace." Hunter grinned, "You kept the locket."
    Grace's eyes shot up, "Yes, I did. Is there a problem with that?" Hunter continued to grin, hand still outstretched, "No problem, give it here. There's something important in there. Elizabeth wouldn't have given it to you if there wasn't"
    Grace sighed and handed over the locket, Hunter opened the locket and stared at it. "No hidden clasps, damn."
    He handed the locket back to Grace, "No use. Keep it. But that's it. The locket and your picture. Nothing else. And they stay on your person at all times!"
    Regan walked into the room, "We will need to travel light, one bag."

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