Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The harpy landed softly on the roof of a great black building, setting Grace down as she began walking to a door that seemed to have been cut from the stone of the building itself. Grace swallowed and followed the harpy into the building.

Once inside Grace looked around, large tapestries covered the walls. She looked at the largest, it depicted a battle. Angels with large flaming swords fighting... other angels? Grace stepped closer to the tapestry, her eyes drawn to a silver haired Angel, with wings of fire. She gasped, it was her grandmother- sword held high, ready to strike down an Angel with golden hair. Grace stepped back and shook her head, confusion suffusing every cell of her body. This must be what Sarael was talking about. Her grandmother fell from Grace.

She stepped to the tapestry again, trying to find the woman- her mother- in the tapestry. Footsteps sounded in her ear, a soft voice spoke, "Amphrael had not yet been born. Though Azael fought valiantly, but on the wrong side. Shame though."

Grace whirled around coming face to face with the golden haired Angel from the tapestry. Shock evident on her face, the Angel chuckled in amusement. "Recognize me?" Grace nodded, though the recognition wasn't from the tapestry. Grace allowed the memory to take her back to a hot day when she was four. Playing in the courtyard of the housing unit with her grandmother, the golden haired stranger came up to them. Sitting on the bench by her grandmother, Grace had never seen her so tense. She remembered none of the conversation, only that this man gave her the sweetest candy she has ever tasted. But she has never been so sick after.

"I've seen you before." Grace choked out, her eyes burning from the memory. "You tried to poison me."

The Angel looked at her, "I have never tried to poison you." Grace opened her mouth to object. But he cut her off with a simple raise of his hand. "The candy was to suppress your nature. You had to be hidden. I will admit it was a bit strong, but I had never encountered a Cambion before." He smiled, "She was a formidable opponent no matter what side she was on. Azael nearly killed me in that battle." He pointed to the tapestry.

Grace stared at the woven picture of her grandmother, "How did you come to fight her?"

The Angel sighed, "let's start at the beginning. I am Gabriel. Azael was my sister. We fought because it had to be believable. He had to believe I was loyal. Her fall was inevitable, but we both couldn't fall."

Grace watched him, looking for any sign of deception, but found none. Speechless, she spoke the only words she could, "I want to go back."

Gabriel looked at her, "To what? Three young men who have nothing but disdain for you? Two sorties of the damned who could turn on you if it meant salvation? To be hunted by my nephew?" Grace looked at Gabriel, "Sarael had the chance and he didn't."

She had no answers for the other questions, she looked into his eyes defiantly. But felt sick as he laughed. "Sarael has a code, familicide is a horrid sin if not done in battle. You couldn't defend yourself, he couldn't kill you. No, not that nephew. Ba'al, your father, he will hunt you. Especially after he finds out your purpose." Grace worried her bottom lip, "He cannot get to me here?" She said slowly, weighing each word carefully.

Gabriel nodded, "my realm scares him. Even demons can end up here." Grace looked around as she tried to figure out exactly where 'here' was. Sighing she looked at Gabriel, "And where is here?"

"It doesn't have a name, no one actually wants to come here. I call it home." The harpy who had brought Grace stepped forward and whispered into Gabriel's ear. Grace watched as he nodded his head and turned to Grace, "If you'll excuse me, I have some things to attend to. Nikothoe will show you to your room."

Gabriel swept out of the room, leaving Grace with the harpy. Nikothoe cleared her throat and smiled, "We are honored to have the grandchild of the great Azael here with us." She bowed low to Grace, coming up from her bow she motioned to a tall wingback chair, "Please sit, I am sure that you are tired. We will continue to your room shortly."

Grace sat in the chair and looked at the harpy in front of her, "I have questions." Nikothoe nodded, "As to be expected. I will do my best to answer them." The harpy settled herself onto the floor and looked expectantly at Grace.

Grace fidgeted in her seat, unsure how to begin. She settled on the question that was burning her up, "My grandmother, you knew her?"

Nikothoe shook her head, "Azael was never here, I have heard stories from my own mother about her though. My mother fought with her in the Grand Battle, fell with her too."

Grace sighed, "Your mother? She fell with grandmama? Why?" Nikothoe shook her head, "Some questions I can't answer." Nikothoe stood up, "Let's get you to your room, I'm sure the brownies have it ready by now." Nikothoe walked towards a door, turning and smiling at her, "It's a beautiful place, really. I know it doesn't seem like it, but it is."

The wails of the tortured surrounded them as they walked down the halls, Grace watched Nikothoe's profile working up the courage to ask more questions, "Nikothoe?"

The harpy paused for a moment, then continued on, "What am I?" Nikothoe smiled softly, "You are a Cambion. The child of a demon and an angel." Grace stopped walking, "I was called an abomination by Sarael." Nikothoe nodded, "Yes, that is true, you are an abomination."

Grace lowered her head, unsure of what to say next. She continued walking down the hallway in silence, the word abomination playing over and over in her head. 

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