Chapter Twenty-Two

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Grace, lost in her thoughts, did not see that the others had stopped until Ryder had tugged on her hand. She looked at him in confusion, noticing the others had stopped as well, she looked around to see why they had stopped.

    In front of Regan was a small pile of ash, a dull grey with small flecks of black. Grace stared at it in confusion, Hunter huffed and looked at Angus. "Why did we stop for a pile of ash?"

    Angus dipped his head and sniffed the ash, "Pay your respects, boy." Angus' voice rippled through her mind. Grace walked slowly towards the ashes, trying to discern what was drawing her to them. A memory slowly faded into her memory.

    'Please, no! Not her. Take my life, leave her alone!" A slender woman, clothed in light knelt before the towering shadow. Desperation evident in her voice. A small child hid behind the woman, no older than two.

    'That child is an abomination. There is no right to live.' The towering shadow spoke in a low voice, shoving the woman out of the way.

    The child ran to the woman, screaming. But was blocked by the shadow, snatching the child up, the shadow man pulled out an obsidian blade. 'In accordance with The Law, you will be executed as is fitting for an abomination.' Holding the blade high, the man plunged it down in an arc to kill the child.

    A deep purple mist rose from the ground, surrounding the child, the man began to choke as the mist entered into him. A voice sounded, 'this child is under my protection.' The mist began to shrink in on itself, into the form of an old woman with long silver hair.

    The woman clothed in light seemed to breathe a sigh of relief at the sight of the old woman. The man pointed his blade at the old woman, 'You cannot interfere with The Law, Azael.'

    Azael smiled, a cold and feral kind of smile, 'The Law bows to me.' She took the hand of the child and led her to woman on the ground. 'Stay with your mother, dear.'

    Azael turned to face the man of shadows, 'You know better than to challenge me, Son. I have brought you up from nothing, you are the Angel of Justice- BECAUSE OF ME!' A streak of lightning, so hot it was purple, blazed from her fingertip that she had pointed towards the man- striking him in the chest causing him to stumble backwards.

    Clutching his chest, the Angel of Justice cast a dark look at his mother, 'You will regret this. You will pay for your sins.' Turning to look at the child who was clutching her mother, 'I will not forget you, you will face your death, Adomination.'

    The shadows deepened around him and soon dissipated, leaving nothing in their wake. Azael walked towards the mother and child, bending down so that she was eye to eye with the little one. 'Now that that is settled. Let us be off, shall we?' The smile on her face was warmer and kinder than the one shown to her son.

    The woman on the ground coughed, hugging the child tight she looked up to Azael, 'Take her and hide her. Keep her safe. Block her memory if you must, but please HIDE HER.' She pushed the child to Azael, pleading with her eyes as a coughing fit took over. The blood that came from her mouth was liquid gold, grimacing she look at Azael once more, 'End it for me. I will only linger until you end it.'

    Azael nodded and held the child to her, hiding her eyes, 'Amphrael, you have served the realms of both light and dark with honor. Go in peace and be with your brethren. May your god welcome you with open arms.' Speaking those last words, Azael placed a hand on Amphrael, a bright purple light shown from the fallen woman's eyes. The light encompassed the woman completely, blinding all who looked upon her. When the light faded, all that was left was a small pile of ash.

    Grace gasped, the old woman was her grandmother! Who was the child? Confusion washed through her, unsure of who this child was or the woman. The terrifying shadow in the shape of a man, a figure she had seen in her nightmares before.

    Andora wove her way between Grace's legs,purring softly. "Do you recognize them?" The soft question posed to Grace as gently as possible. Grace nodded once, shock still etched on her face.

    Hunter swore loudly, "Everyone saw that?" He looked at Regan and Ryder, both nodded. "An angel was killed by a Celestial Demon, it was a mercy killing. The sin laid on the shoulders of the brethren angel." Angus' deep voice sounded, Andora still purring and rubbing against GRace's legs spoke, "The Celestial Demon, Azael..."

    "My grandmother." Grace said as she bent down to touch the ash, "And this- this was my mother?" She looked to Angus, despair on her face. "I don't understand." Tears began to fall as Regan gathered Grace in his arms. Whispering in her ear, "My mother was a human, vain- wanting only eternal youth. My sire is an archduke of the darkness, Abaddon. Remember you are in good company." He raised her to her feet- pushing her towards Hunter. Pointing at Hunter, Regan said simply, "Tell her."

    Hunter sighed, then gave a small smile. "My father was human, my mother was a demon- Astroth. You aren't the only ones with demonic or angelic parentage." He looked over to Ryder who was staring at the pile of ash. "I'm sure all of us do."

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