Chapter Four

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Grace rfollowed behind as the young man shuffled down the alley towards building 8- absentmindedly scratching her arm as she took in his appearance. Tall and thin, but not so thin as to look sickly. She knew that if he wore clothes that actually fit, the muscles would stand out. His shoulder length hair was in need of a good washing, slightly matted at the back of his neck and hanging limply in front of his face. But his skin was clear.
If Grace hadn't known his vice, she wouldn't have been able to tell he was an addict.

They continued through the alley, finally stopping in front of a dark and derelict building.
"Wards- you can get rid of them right?" His voice weak and trembling. Grace nodded pulling out the small vial Annie had given her.

Pouring the liquid over the top step she slowly chanted the words taught to her. "aperiam inopi". A small flash of light and the faint smell of sulphuric reached Grace. Walking up the last steps, the young man pushed open the door and walked inside.

Grace felt the thrill of adrenaline as she followed the young man inside. She had never been sure of her ability to use the little bit of old magic that Dark Annie had taught her, but in her mind this proved that she was worthy to learn.

Lost in her thoughts of the great healings she would do, she almost didn't catch the low words out of the young man's mouth. "Ryder"

Grace's head shot up, "I'm sorry?"

The young man turned around and looked at her, "My name is Ryder."

Grace could only nod, "Grace."

Ryder nodded and turned to continue walking, "I know." A few moments passed in silence, as they neared the door of what Grace thought of as the Recovery Room, Ryder spoke again, "I'm not an addict by choice."

Grace could say nothing, she didn't believe he was an addict by choice. She knew well the things that were given to those in Madam Genesis's employ. He was an errand boy, to keep him loyal he would have been given all kinds of things. All substances until they hit on one that he couldn't live without.

Ryder opened the door to the small two room apartment. When Building 8 was still in full use, this little apartment would have most likely housed a family or seven or eight. Grace stepped gingerly inside, heading straight for the kitchen.

After inspecting the meager supplies in the kitchen, Grace headed for the bathroom. She looked through the little medicine box making a mental note of what she would need.

When she came out of the bathroom she saw Ryder on the small mattress with his eyes closed. Grace dusted her hands on her apron. "Right, well, I'm going to have to make a list of what we will need so that Regan can bring it to us. You should," Grace stopped as she heard the small snores coming from the figure on the mattress, "rest as much as you can." She finished in a whisper.

Sighing Grace sat down on the sofa opposite Ryder and stared at him. She took in his thin arms, arms that looked like they would break in two with the slightest pressure. Shaking her head, she began to slowly count to center herself and bring calm to her mind. "One, two, thr..." A soft knock on the door stopped her counting, Grace got up from the sofa and made her way to the door.

Opening it a crack she saw Regan standing with a large box in front of him, "Supplies, Miss." He pushed the box in her direction, "Where do they go?"

Grace opened the door wide enough to let him in and gestured towards the kitchen. "On the table in there is fine."

She followed the speaking Rouser into the kitchen, watching as he set the box down on the table. Pulling a small notebook out of his back pocket, he turned to her; "The Mistress says that you are to follow the directions on this. It'll help ease him through the worst of it."

Grace took the notebook from Regan's hands. Nodding she smiled, "Thank you. I don't think he will be much different from the others though."

Regan looked at her, a scowl forming on his face, "You make sure he knows what debt he owes." He walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, looking over to Ryder's sleeping form, he scoffed. "Nodding already. It's gonna be rough for him. Pray to the ancestors he sleeps through most of it. HE's stronger than he looks Miss."

And with those parting words, Regan walked out of the little apartment, leaving Grace alone with her charge.

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