Chapter Seven

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    Grace stood at the kitchen sink thinking about the last week, Ryder's climb to recovery and the mysterious Hunter. She did not lie to herself pretending she did not want to see him again. But, something seemed off about his attitude. Was he really the Rouser she heard when she first sought out Dark Annie?
    A small shuffling noise came from the living area, Ryder. Grace turned away from the sink; intending to check on him. He had been sleeping more and more these days. Though the withdrawal symptoms were lessening, it had taken its toll on his already weak body.
    A small sneeze echoed in the silence. "Bless you." An automatic reply came from her. She closed her eyes and ran her hand over her face. Some things were second nature.
    WAlking to the living area Grace heard a deep voice, gravelly and strained.
    "Protection is a necessity. Betrayal is assured." Grace stopped, she recognized the voice. It was the same gravelly voice that the spirit had spoken in. Was Ryder being possessed again? Another voice echoed, "I cannot protect when I am so weak."
    Not possessed, Grace scrunched her face up in confusion. How was the spirit speaking if it did not have a body to speak?
    She silently peaked into the living area, Ryder hunched down holding something in his cupped hands. Grace gasped, a mouse?!
    Dark Annie had never mentioned a spirit being able to mount an animal before. Grace shook her head, of course not, Dark Annie didn't dwell in the shadows.
    Ryder's head shot up and he stared at Grace with red rimmed eyes, "She will come for you. She always comes for those who are meant to surpass her." A hand shot out and grabbed her wrist. "There are those who will protect you, but you must give yourself to them."
    Grace tried to tug her hand out of Ryder's grasp, his grip only tightening. "You must seek out those who can help you." Tears threatened to spill, Grace stared into his eyes, watching as they clouded over, "Ancestors and Descendents; all will give you protection. But you must help yourself."
    Grace tugged harder to free her grip, "Ryder, you are hurting me!" She did not know who was using Ryder to speak to her. But the fear reached a crescendo when Ryder shook his head and let go of her wrist.
    Grace turned and ran to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. She reached for the lock, turning it she let out the breath she had been holding.
    Sliding down the door, she allowed the tears to flow freely, "I cannot do this. I cannot do this." Her whispers became sobs as she drew her knees to her chest, terrified that what was on the other side of the door was not Ryder, but the spirit had taken him permanently.
    A soft knock sounded on the door, "Grace, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Please come out and talk to me." Grace drew in a shaky breath, she didn't want to go out there and see him, scared that the spirit would take over again.
    Instead she leaned her head on her knees and prayed. A prayer that she had not said since she was a small girl, "My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. Deliver me from this evil, protect my body as you protect my soul."
    A soft breeze rustled the towel hanging on the tub in front of her, she looked up from her knees, face stained with tears. A soft whisper, barely audible, seemed to surround her, "Faith will deliver you."
    Grace wiped her face, confusion evident on her features. Faith? Faith in what exactly? GRace thought if she could recount the things she knew for certain, that she would be able to face Ryder. Squaring her shoulders she began reciting, "There are other planes to this world, we are not alone. Love can conquer all, but love is not all powerful. Hard work will bring peace." She reached for the doorknob, fingers around the lock, "The shadows are not there to scare us, the shadow world has its own rules." Turning the lock slowly, she continued, "I am stronger than others realized, I have a choice. I will not be scared." Taking a deep breath Grace opened the door.
    Crumpled on the floor in front of the door was Ryder, Grace bent down and brushed his hair off his face. "Poor thing. They chose you to be their mouthpiece."
    Grace traced his jaw with her fingertips, "Weak man. How do I strengthen you?" A groan escaped Ryder's lips and he began to stir. Grace straightened up and stepped over him. She walked to the mattress where he slept and picked up the threadbare blanket.
    Blanket in hand she walked back to Ryder, bending to cover his form. As she bent over him, he grabbed her arm. Stiffening, Grace readied herself for another gravelly message from a long gone spirit. Instead of the gravelly strained voice she had previously heard, it was Ryder's smooth voice that reached her ears.
    "What is happening? Why do I keep hurting and scaring you?" Confusion written all over his face and fear shone in his green eyes. Grace gently stroked his face, "You are being used as a mouthpiece. The spirits, who I don't know, but they are using you to speak to me."
    Grace grabbed Ryder's elbow to help him up, steering him towards the mattress she continued, "It happens when someone is vulnerable during recovery. You are lucky, some spirits try to destroy the body."

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