Chapter Twenty-Four

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 Grace closed her eyes against the bright light as she stepped from the doorway, turning around she no longer saw the doorway, only that same bright light. Taking a deep breath, she took a step then stopped. She realized she was now stuck in this new world. As her eyes adjusted to the bright light, she looked around. Hills of rolling green surrounded her, a soft hum wafted to her ears.

She took a step forward, looking to explore and find her way back to Hunter. Please come find me. A memory? A voice? She began to run down the hill, desperation flowing into her. She had to find where the voice had come from. So familiar and yet so foreign. Had she never heard that voice before?

Reaching the bottom of the hill, she bent over breathing raggedly. She stood up as her breathing evened out and looked around, hoping the voice would call to her once more. She stepped gingerly forward, slowly- one foot in front of the other- pausing every third step; listening.

Come find me.

Again! She took off in the direction she thought the voice was coming from. Running, soon the green hills gave way to green pastures and small homes dotting the landscape. She slowed to a walk, looking at the animals that grazed in the fields. Strange antlers on the deer- at least she thought they were deer.

So close- hurry!

She picked up her pace, hurrying along the outskirts of a village, hoping that no one noticed the wild eyed girl running through. Leaving the village behind- though she wouldn't call it a village really, a church and a few smaller buildings- she came to a small creek. Laughter bubbled up from the gently flowing water.

Cross- hurry!

She jumped across the creek and continued her trek through a dense forest. Coming soon to the mouth of a cave, she took a deep breath and crept into the cave. Following the twisting tunnel she soon came to a deep cavern. A pinpoint of light at the back, she slowly made her way to what she soon discovered was a fire.

A dark figure sat huddled in front of the fire, small and dainty. She peered over the flames trying to see any features of the figure. The hood of the figure was thrown back and Grace gasped. Long silver hair tumbled from the figure's head, pooling at her feet. It was a woman, so like her grandmother. The figure looked up at her and smiled, Grace felt a calm sweep over her. The woman patted the ground next to her, walking around the fire Grace sat down.

Not wanting to break the silence, Grace waited. There must be a reason she was called to this woman. But had it been this woman who had called her? She glanced over at the woman, who was staring into the flames, a single tear rolling down her cheek. Grace fought to resist the urge to question why the woman was crying. Still staring at the flames, the woman began to speak.

"Azael was an angel in the Heavens, one of the most beautiful. But she committed a sin, she dared to question the authority of the gods. For her sin, she was cast out. Destined to roam the shadow world as a CElestial Demon. She was twisted, her wings ripped from her back. Her power was taken from her the day they took her wings." The woman looked at Grace, "But she found new power, a power deep within the shadow world. She searched for millennia for that power. During that time, she fell in love." A small smile played on the woman's lips, "His name was Demterius. A demon," Grace shivered as the thought of her grandmother falling in love with a demon played in her mind. "He held immense power. An Archduke of the Shadows, second only to the princes. He commanded legions, and he would have snuffed out the entirety of the Shadows for Azael." Grace turned to stare into the flames, knowing that now was not the time for questions. The woman paused and turned to Grace, staying perfectly still in hopes the woman would continue.

After a few moments of staring, the woman turned back to the fire. "In the far north of the Shadows, there is a temple. It has been there since the dawn of time, there is no god for whom the temple was created. But deep inside that temple is the Crystal of Eternity. That was the power that Azael searched for, she had heard legends of it in the HEavens. More powerful than the gods themselves. She took that crystal, she absorbed that crystal. At that moment, Azael became a god. Her children- she had four- learned what true fear was."

"Azael became terrible, seeking to punish those who had thrown her down. She intended to rise up and slaughter the gods herself. But, Fate intervened." The woman smiled as she turned to Grace, "You were born. Your father and mother fell in love and you were born. You softened Azael's heart." The woman's smile disappeared, "You also hardened her resolve to slaughter the gods. She had every intention to raise you to rise against the gods, to be their downfall. A true Nephilim, one not born of man but of demon and angel."

Grace gasped as she looked into the flames, flames that had begun to take on the shapes of angels and demons locked in bloody warfare. Tears rolled down her cheeks at the revelation that her grandmother, the woman who held her at night when the nightmares raged, could be so cruel and bloodthirsty. She swallowed and continued staring at the flames as the woman's voice flowed through her.

"You were meant to stay hidden until you were fully grown, a century or more. But Fate has intervened yet again. Giving you to those who will help you retain the humanity that you thought you had." Hunter. Though there were four of them traveling together, Grace's mind focused solely on Hunter.

The woman leaned towards the flames, picking up a red hot blade, "I cannot allow that to happen you understand. I am the angel of justice. The son of Azael, Sarael, and you are an abomination that must be eradicated." His features twisted and turned, no longer the woman who looked so much like Azael. Instead the hard silver eyes and shadowed figure she had seen standing in front of the ash on the bridge.

Grace stared at Sarael, "Do what you feel you must. The next world has to be infinitely more than this. My life is a lie, if it must end for a true life to begin. So be it."

Tears slipping down her face, Grace bent her head. Hoping that the angel would kill her in one blow. She closed her eyes and waited for the sword. A howling wind blew through the cave, Grace felt the wind on her face and in her soul. A smile came to her face knowing that in her death, she would be with her grandmother and mother. But no blow came, Grace stayed bent over, soon she heard the clang of metal on the ground. She looked up into the cold silver eyes of her uncle.

"Abomination or not, it is a far greater sin to kill my blood." He fell to his knees and cried out. "You have cursed me, damn you Azael."

A small door appeared behind Sarael, silver in color with steam rising from it. Grace knew instinctively that this door would lead her to Hunter and the others. But she could not take it yet, she bent down to her uncle and wrapped her arms around him. "She never mentioned you by name, but she would cry at night when she thought I couldn't hear. SHe mourned the loss of you. She loved you very much."

Grace stood and straightened her shoulders, she walked towards the door. Hoping that Hunter would forgive her for being reckless, but proud to have met Sarael. She walked through the door. 

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