Chapter 1

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(Since I saw that the Prologue will almost reach 100 reads, decided update this story to see more of what Suzumebachi can to enjoy!!!)

As Amagi takes Suzumebachi under her wing she only introduced her to Nagato, Mutsu, Kawakaze, Mikasa, Tosa and Musashi with Shinano explaining everything, with the 6 Shipgirls agreeing to keep her existence as a secret for now

And from there Suzumebachi showed her skills by presenting some places around the island where they can place naval mines  for the sirens can't attack them by surprise incase they attempted to attack the base, and presented interesting battle strategies to defeat the sirens and presenting new AA design for the Sakura Empire Shipgirls to use, which was approved by Nagato to be built for the Sakura Empire shipgirl

With the new strategies and new AA guns the Siren Activity decreases in the Pacific within 3 month's, giving some breathing room for the Sakura Empire shipgirls, along with those shipgirls that are keeping the Pacific safe

With this happening Amagi and Suzumebachi played Shogi when she is not busy or playing with Kaga, with one of them sometimes winning or losing, which made Amagi happy as she had finally found an worthy opponent, while also drinking green tea prepared by Suzumebachi

And then 2 month's later Amagi's condition(which she reveals to Suzumebachi after she got released from being crystalized) worsen causing her to only stay at the Sakura Empire Mainland and could only use her rigging for only a short period of time

Of course her condition was announced to Akagi which devastated her with Kaga trying to comfort her along with Tosa

And then one day Suzumebachi talks to Amagi privately in her room at Night since everyone will be asleep at that time

At Amagi's room

We could see Suzumebachi leaning on the wall with the mask given to her by Amagi on her face

And then we could see Amagi sitting at the futon where she is sleeping and taking a rest so she could feel better and was currently drinking green tea 

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And then we could see Amagi sitting at the futon where she is sleeping and taking a rest so she could feel better and was currently drinking green tea 

Amagi: So Suzumebachi, why do you want to talk to me?

Suzumebachi: Lady Amagi, What if I could save your life?

Amagi: Sure, What do you mean?

Suzumebachi: There was an Aircraft Carrier named for you back during the war, I could modify the design and could place your cube there so you could live

Amagi: I see, But it has a heavy cost right?

Suzumebachi:. . .Yes, Lady Amagi, I'll need you dead so I could get your cube and repair it, so I could give your Aircraft Carrier rigging, and then I'll need your body as well so I could place your newly healed cube

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