Chapter 4

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Months Later

At the Forest of the Azur Lane HQ

We could see Suzumebachi walking at the forest to do some reconnaissance in the area before Akagi and Kaga launch their attack to start the civil war

Suzumebachi: Could this get any worse?

After Amagi's death, Sakura Empire and Ironblood split from Azur Lane and formed Crimson Axis, due to there beliefs that they can defeat the sirens by reverse engineering the Sirens technology, while Eagle Union and Royal Navy oppose this due to the dangers it caused

Now don't get her wrong, Amagi warned her about getting involved in politics, but in her perspective, It's plain useless to fight over this as it would give the Sirens a chance to attack them if they were at there weakest 

Before the split started, Suzumebachi express her concerns to Akagi infront at the meeting room, with her getting stared by shipgirls who supported Akagi on the split, but she didn't care as she is worried on what will be the fate of the Empire as it'll be WW2 all over again

But Akagi reassures her that everything she's doing will lead the world to victory against the sirens, but even Akagi said that, Suzumebachi remains skeptical of what is Akagi trying to achieve here, but as long Akagi is okay, Suzumebachi isn't going to investigate where did Akagi get the Mass Produced Siren Ships and The Black Cube for now as she almost fixed Amagi wisdom cube and the construction of Amagi's new ship has been luckily finished before all the materials were diverted on Project Orochi 

As Suzumebachi exited the forest she was at a cliff where the Whole Azur Lane Base can be seen

And from there she could see how the shipgirls of Azur Lane are doing in there daily lives and made some notes on where to drop the payload that her bombers will drop at some areas where she could avoid some shipgirls getting killed, the only reason why Suzumebachi participated in the attack, as she fear that they will involve the United States at this and a nuke will be dropped on Japan as a result, a thing she wanted to prevent at all cost as The UN gave Azur Lane sometime to fix the civil war thanks to some strings that Suzumebachi had pulled during Amagi is still alive

And then a blue talisman like plane appeared beside Suzumebachi and a voice spoke through it, revealing Kaga's voice

"Master Sutingā, Ayanami has done her task, we'll commence the attack"

Suzumebachi: I see, I'll head to the eastern waters of the island where I'll launch my bombers the moment Akagi gives the signal for me to launch my Bombers

"Very Well"

and then the talisman disappeared with Suzumebachi heading to the eastern waters of the island

(By the way I forgot to add this, Yorktown here in this story didn't get her legs crippled and was with the detached fleet)

And as she head there she'd summoned her ship where there are 5 Mitsubishi G4M, 5 Yokosuka P1Y Ginga, 3 Nakajima Ki-49 Donryu, and 3 Mitsubishi Ki-67 Hiryū ready to be launched

And from there Suzumebachi waited for Akagi's signal as Akagi and Kaga launch there attack at the Azur Lane base

*Timeskip after Enterprise came to save the Azur Lane Base and defeated Kaga*

We could see Enterprise pointing her bow at Akagi and Kaga as she was about to release it if they try to escape, but then Akagi pulls out a flare gun and pulls the trigger causing a yellow flare to light up the sky

and then the next thing happened is that Enterprise's bow was snapped in half, shocking Cleveland and the other, with mostly Enterprise

And then Suzumebachi appeared at Akagi's side not facing Enterprise and the others and spoke

Suzumebachi: You know Ms. Enterprise your bow could be easily snapped in any moment so I destroyed it in advance

As Enterprise hears her voice she felt the voice sounded familiar but at the same time it was foreign to her but an enemy is an enemy

Enterprise: Who are you?!

Suzumebachi: I think you shouldn't be worried about me, You should worry about your base

and from there they could hear explosions from the island causing them to turn around and saw Suzumebachi's bombers dropping there payload at the key points of the Azur Lane base, which gives Akagi the chance to teleport them and Ayanami away from the base immediately but in a range for Suzumebachi's bombers to atleast return, if any of them return

As Akagi teleported them to a safe distance with Akai summoning her ship with Ayanami's ship a few meters away from Akagi's, Suzumebachi immediately slapped Kaga, shocking Akagi, who was about to stop her, but saw Suzumebachi's eyes filled with anger

Suzumebachi: What the hell is wrong with Kaga?!

But then Akagi immediately realizes what she is saying, the time Kaga's wolf attempted to eat Unicorn

Akagi: It is my fault Lady Suzumebachi, I tempted her to eat the poor little girl after she took it down please punish me instead of her

Suzumebachi: No need I already set a punishment for you both, We won't attack the Detached fleet since we land a hard hit against there base, tell that to Prinz Eugen, Understood?

Akagi: Yes, Lady Suzumebachi

Suzumebachi: Be grateful that Akagi spared you from anger Kaga, I hope you don't make reckless decision's in the future, Akagi treat her wounds, as soon as my bombers returned, we'll head back to the Sakura Empire

Kaga: But what if your bombers got followed Lady Suzumebachi?

Suzumebachi: They won't as the real reason I told you both to cancel the Attack on the detached fleet is for Prinz Eugen and her comrades to escort us back, and beside I've done some reconnaissance at their fleet and Yorktown only has a few planes

Akagi: I see, you really are a great tactician, Lady Suzumebachi, The Sakura Empire will surely fall if your not here

Suzumebachi: I'm just making the best course of action, I'll check Ayanami if she's okay I'll leave you two be then

And so Suzumebachi headed to Ayanami's ship to check if she's okay, only to see her a little injured, causing Suzumebachi to treat her wounds, while petting Ayanami's head, to which Ayanami surprisingly likes

To be continued

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