Chapter 11

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As the AA guns hit Enterprise's position, within a blink of an eye Suzumebachi wasn't standing at the iceberg anymore, instead this happens:

As the AA guns hit Enterprise's position, within a blink of an eye Suzumebachi wasn't standing at the iceberg anymore, instead this happens:

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Zuikaku: Impossible no one ever got close to injuring her but how?!

As Suzumebachi crashed onto another iceberg, she noticed that a hole was created close to her spinal cord with huge amount of blood coming out and her mask getting destroyed with her coughing blood aswell

Suzumebachi: Aw man *coughs a lot of blood* this is bad

and then the thread wire trap that Suzumebachi made started to disappear, along with the AA guns with Enterprise Appearing on where Suzumebachi is earlier with her eyes not gold anymore and started at her with horror

Enterprise: H-Hornet?

and then Suzumebachi saw Akagi heading to her direction with Ayanami pulling her out of he iceberg and laying her down safely 

Akagi: Suzumebachi, you're going to be fine, we'll get you out of here-

Suzumebachi: No

Akagi: What do you mean no?!

Suzumebachi: I'll be the reason you'll get all captured, Akagi all of you leave I'll hold them off

Akagi: Nonononono there has to be another way !!!

Suzumebachi: There isn't any other way Akagi, this is my final order, GO!

Akagi: No I won't-

As Akagi was about to convince her again, Ayanami knocks her out and pulls her away to where Zuikaku is and they left the area to make the whole fleet retreat away from the Azur Lane Fleet with Suzumebachi silently thanking Ayanami

Suzumebachi: Ha... So this it it huh *Strings appeared in one of her hands* then lets make it my last performance then

and then she pulls the strings causing puppets with bombs stick at the iceberg where Enterprise is and they started to explode one by one with the iceberg starting to fall into the water, with Enterprise managing to escape by boarding one of her planes to headed to here

As Suzumebachi closes her eyes as the huge iceberg part is going to hit her, she suddenly saw Ayanami pulling her away from the area

Suzumebachi: Ayanami?

Ayanami: I don't know if I do the right thing Ms. Suzumebachi, I gave Akagi to Zuikaku and tell her to leave to safety and headed back here in hopes to still save you

Suzumebachi: *Sighs and coughs little blood* Ayanami, you've finally made a decision without no one commanding you, I know you can do it, but you did it in a really bad time

Ayanami: Forgive me Lady Suzumebachi, It's just I can't see the way Lady Akagi cry for you I can't stand it so

Suzumebachi: Apology accepted

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