Chapter 6

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2 days later

At the Sakura Empire

We could see Suzumebachi leaving her house after changing clothes and eating breakfast

As she walks at the streets of the Sakura Empire she saw Akagi and Kaga talking to some of the destroyers with one of them scared for no reason, making Suzumebachi decided to check the situation

But then as she got closer to them she saw the destroyers leaving with a smile on their faces while Akagi and Kaga are waving goodbye at them and from there she spoke

Suzumebachi: So mind telling what happened why one of the destroyers are scared for a second there?

Kaga: L-Lady Suzumebachi, The destroyer just got scared since she accidentally bumped into me, I didn't do anything wrong, I swear!

Akagi: I defuse the situation by giving them some candy and telling them that they don't need to be afraid of Kaga

Suzumebachi: *sigh* If that's what really happen I don't need to interfere with your sibling time now, I'll take my leave

As Suzumebachi turns around and started to walk into the opposite direction, Akagi spoke 

Akagi: By the way Lady Suzumebachi-sama, where are you last night?

And the Suzumebachi stopped walking and froze for a little, and then she turns around as managed to make an effective excuse

Suzumebachi: I was directly ordered by Lady Nagato to do some patrolling with some shipgirls around the island incase Azur Lane planned a surprise attack, we can't another Doolittle Raid happen again right?

Akagi: Oh Okay, but can you next time please tell me next time, I got worried when you didn't came back last night

Suzumebachi: Sure Akagi, Amagi will feel the same if she was worried about me so I promise to tell you next time

Akagi: Thank you, we'll be heading to Lady Nagato to see what is our next move

Suzumebachi: I see, I'll be their shortly

and so they parted ways with Suzumebachi heading into the Sakura Forest and headed to the secret area where Amagi had found her

As she entered she could see Amagi's new ship

And then she looks at a glass tank container where Amagi's cube is with the computer beside the container says it's 95% complete, meaning that Amagi's cube is going to heal faster than last time, so that she could revive Amagi and could end this c...

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And then she looks at a glass tank container where Amagi's cube is with the computer beside the container says it's 95% complete, meaning that Amagi's cube is going to heal faster than last time, so that she could revive Amagi and could end this civil war

And then she felt a siren's presence in the island at one of the caves that Akagi said only she(Akagi) and Kaga can only entered with Nagato allowing them, keeping everyone skeptical on what is inside the cave as no one is allowed to enter

With this happening, she gets some strings and takes 3 of her look alike puppets with her and headed to the Palace where Nagato is 

Minutes later

We could see Suzumebachi entering the palace and then bows to Lady Nagato 

Nagato: Oh, Suzumebachi, you are a little bit late in the meeting, but Akagi said that she had something to do and left with Kaga and tells me to tell you that we can discuss the plan without them

Suzumebachi: I see, As much as I like to discuss the situation we have a problem

Nagato: What is it?

Suzumebachi: I've detected A Siren's presence in the cave where only allowed Kaga and Akagi to enter

as Nagato heard this her eyes widen in shock as well as Mutsu, Kawakaze, Tosa, Musashi and Mikasa who are also in the room(Shinano is at her house where Musashi is also living, sleeping in peace in her room with Suruga and Shimakaze guarding the house)

Nagato: Are you certain there is a siren in our territory?

Suzumebachi: I'm certain, but what you said that Akagi and Kaga left a few minutes ago, only strengthens the fact that Akagi might made a deal with a siren just like you said

A few weeks ago before the attack on the Azur Lane Base Happened, Akagi proposes to declare war against them, with Bismarck supporting Akagi's decision to show who could really protect humanity

Nagato: . . .Tosa

Tosa: Yes Lady Nagato

Nagato: Join Lady Suzumebachi and tell Ise and Hyuuga to join you guys and investigate the cave, if Kaga or Akagi tells you to stop, you have the permission to enter by force

Tosa: As you wish Lady Nagato

Nagato: You may both leave to prepare

Both: HAI!

and so the two left and after a few minutes Suzumebachi, Tosa, Ise, Hyuuga, and Suzumebachi's Puppets entered the cave with surprisingly no resistance

That is until they reached the end of the cave where they got almost hit by Laser projectiles if it wasn't for them taking cover, with one of Suzumebachi's puppets destroyed

and then Suzumebachi pulls out some smoke bombs and throws them at the end of the cave and explode, with the laser projectiles stopping and while they can also hear Akagi and Kaga screaming for help, causing her and Tosa to rush to check what is happening as they heard silence

And as they entered they saw Akagi and Kaga unconscious while they also saw the Orochi

And as they entered they saw Akagi and Kaga unconscious while they also saw the Orochi

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And then they can hear someone attempting to escape from the island

Tosa: Ise sound the alarm around the base, the culprit is trying to escape, Hyuuga take Akagi and Kaga into the infirmary, Suzumebachi come with me-

But before she could finish her sentence, Suzumebachi was already gone along with her puppets, that she'd detected someone else roaming the island

Somewhere in the Sakura Empire

In a specific house hold

We could see two maids, one with blue hair and one with pink hair that are from the Royal Navy opening the door to Amagi's Room, at The shared house of Suzumebachi, Akagi, Kaga, Amagi and Tosa and it seems that they are looking for something, until they found it after opening the closets and drawers of Amagi's room

A box that was locked, with it's lock has 6 digit number(0-9) and if they put the correct number the lock can be unlocked

But they don't have time as Sheffield and Edunburgh have put the base on full alert and it would be a matter if time that someone will find them as well

But as they were about to leave the house, They saw Suzumebachi's with her two puppets, blocking their exit, with 6 more puppets outside as backup with Suzumebachi's eyes shining dangerously as she spoke

Suzumebachi: So. . . Care to explain why are you entering someone's Household, Ms. Neptune and Ms. Black Prince?

To be continued

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